Гостья из будущего

Гостья из будущего

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Гостья из будущего


O Duende Assassino

Em Las Vegas, o estudante Scott encontra moeda de ouro da sorte e começa a ganhar fortuna no jogo. Mas a moeda pertence ao terrível Duende, que volta à ativa para recuperá-la, aterrorizando o estudante, sua namorada, e todos aqueles que ousam cruzar seu caminho.

The Secret of the Third Planet

At the end of the 22nd century Alisa Seleznyova, her father Professor Seleznyov and pilot Zelyony go on a space expedition to find rare animals for Moscow Zoo. On the way they seem to encounter a mysterious conspiracy led by Doctor Verhovtsev against legendary Two Captains Kim and Buran. The only clue is a talking bird Сhatterer [Govorun] that our heroes accidentally took possession of.

The Marriage of Balzaminov

Based on the trilogy of Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Moscow, XIX century. A small official Misha Balzaminov lives in a small house. He, like his mother, sees his happiness in marrying a rich bride. Misha images in dreams and fantasies that he is a general or even a king — rich and domineering. And in reality, poor Balzaminov is haunted by setbacks...


Mrs. Rada the Goat tells her five children to behave while she goes to the fair, and under no circumstances open the door to anyone except her. But the Big Bad Wolf, Kostika (Titi) Suru, and his nephew, the Little Bad Wolf, along with friends Rassul the Lynx and Petrika the Donkey has made a plan to kidnap the children while their mother is away. And when the eldest child, Matei, decides to disobey his mother and visit the fair himself, things start to go badly for the goat-family.

Temptation of B.

The story of a writer who accidentally stumbles across the elixir of immortality and in doing so encounters the small group of immortals who have jealously guarded this secret for centuries. Once the writer has knowledge of this elixir, called 'Mafussalin', the group of five immortals give him a stark choice: either join them, with the price of admission, being a duel to the death between the immortal who accidentally gave the secret away or death at the hands of the group. As the writer makes up his mind, sometimes aided and at other times opposed by the ever shifting alliances from within the group, we discover how the other immortals became this way, their true ages and what they have done with this 'gift'.

Esquadrão Classe A

O Coronel Hannibal Smith (Liam Neeson) e seus amigos mercenários são acionados para fazer um serviço secreto para um agente do Governo americano, mas uma militar de alta patente, a Tenente Sosa (Jessica Biel), antigo caso de Cara de Pau (Bradley Cooper), os proíbe de prosseguir na missão, que envolve falsificação de dólares em Bagdá e uma provável conspiração.

O Cavaleiro Solitário

Depois de ser salvo pelo índio guerreiro Tonto de uma emboscada que matou seu irmão, o homem da lei John Reid decide usar uma máscara para se vingar dos assassinos, se transformando no lendário Cavaleiro Solitário.


O jovem Billy ganhou um novo bichinho de estimação e com ele três conselhos que nunca... nunca poderia esquecer. 1) não deixe que ele se molhe 2) mantenha-o afastado da luz forte 3) não importa o quanto ele chore, o quanto ele suplique, nunca lhe dê comida após a meia-noite. Prepare-se para muita confusão pois alguma coisa vai dar muito errado.