Universitari - Molto più che amici

Universitari - Molto più che amici

(134 votos)



Universitari - Molto più che amici


Um Natal Para Recomeçar

Após ser abandonada pelo noivo, Maggie decide realizar o sonho de abrir sua própria loja de brinquedos. Sendo assim, ela embarca para Friday Harbor. Chegando na cidade, Maggie conhece Mark e sua sobrinha Holly, e juntos terão um natal que mudará a vida de ambos.

See You Tomorrow

2013 Italian comedy


Amy Tyler has planned the perfect surprise vacation for her boyfriend Josh Merit. But the real surprise is on her when he breaks things off on their anniversary. Stuck with reservations in her ex-boyfriend's name, Amy's two best friends suggest if Amy can't change the tickets ... why not change the guy?

Our Loved Ones

1978. In a small village in Bas-St-Laurent, Guy’s tragic death is a shock for the Leblanc family. For many years, the real cause of his death is kept hidden from some members of the family, including his son David. The latter in turn starts his own family with his wife Marie. He lovingly raises his children Laurence and Frédéric, but deep within him harbours a persistent melancholy.

Amore 14

Come ogni 14enne Carolina, detta Caro,è impegnata a districarsi tra la scuola, gli amici e il rapporto spesso conflittuale con i genitori, si trova improvvisamente alle prese con i turbamenti legati al primo amore che ha il nome e il volto di Massimiliano. Ad aiutarla nel suo cammino verso la scoperta delle gioie e dei dolori sentimentali ci saranno le sue amiche del cuore e la sua famiglia

A Five Star Life

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.

Genitori vs influencer

A father and a daughter with the dream of becoming an influencer clash until they meet the famous webstar and idol of the girl.

Beached Tuna

Francesco, a young man who wants to be a comedian, insults his girlfriend to make his public laugh; she will break up with and so he will think of a crazy plan to win her back.