Six Degrees Could Change The World

Six Degrees Could Change The World

(10 votos)



Six Degrees Could Change The World



Duração: 01h30m

Data de lançamento: 01 de janeiro de 2008

Genêros: Documentário.


George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic - Mothership Connection

George Clinton: The Mothership Connection is the title of a DVD released in 1998 and then reissued in 2001, featuring George Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic. The DVD features a concert performed by Parliament-Funkadelic at the The Summit in Houston, Texas on October 31, 1976. The DVD documents the beginning of famed P-Funk Earth Tour, which would run for almost two years.

The Cross Roads

A melodrama about a girl who has to marry the landlord in order to save her parents’ home.


This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.

Udayananu Tharam

Udayabhanu is an assistant director and scriptwriter, who dreams of making it big in the film industry. His attempt is thwarted by his roommate, a junior artiste, Rajappan Thengamoodu who steals his script to become superstar Saroj Kumar

The Golden Wings of Watercocks

‘The Golden Wings of Watercocks’ is a feature film based on the lives, livelihoods and battle for survival of the marginalized peasants and landless farmhands, living in the haor (marshland) areas of Bangladesh, who are historically trapped in poverty formed by the confluence of social exploitation and climate injustice.

Tsurune the Movie: The First Shot

Minato Narumiya reignites his passion for kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery. Along with his friends in the school kyudo club, he returns for this feature-length sports anime film.

Rossini: La Donna del Lago

An all-star cast assembled for the Met’s first-ever performances of Rossini’s romantic retelling of Sir Walter Scott’s epic poem The Lady of the Lake. Joyce DiDonato is Elena, the title heroine, who is being pursued by not one, but two tenors—setting off sensational vocal fireworks. Juan Diego Flórez is King James V of Scotland, disguised as the humble Uberto, and John Osborn sings his political enemy, and rival in love, Rodrigo Di Dhu. Complicating matters is the fact that Elena herself loves Malcolm, a trouser role sung by mezzo-soprano Daniela Barcellona, and that she is the daughter of Duglas (Oren Gradus), another of the king’s political adversaries. Paul Curran’s atmospheric production is conducted by Michele Mariotti.


Concerned parents hire a private detective to tail their son because they think he might be gay.


Seremos História?

Seremos História?

Um problema de longas datas está se mostrando cada vez mais grave. Mudanças de temperatura, inundações, e outros fenômenos semelhantes têm se tornado cada vez mais comum, e o que tem sido feito na tentativa de amenizar essa situação? É na busca por respostas para essas questões que Leonardo DiCaprio abraça a missão de testemunhar as mudanças climáticas em diversos países, e de uma forma nunca vista antes.

Uma Verdade Inconveniente

Uma Verdade Inconveniente

O ex-vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos Al Gore apresenta uma análise da questão do aquecimento global, mostrando os mitos e equívocos existentes em torno do tema e também possíveis saídas para que o planeta não passe por uma catástrofe climática nas próximas décadas.

A Era das Consequências

A Era das Consequências

O início da Primavera Árabe, a ascensão de grupos radicalizados como o ISIS e a crise dos refugiados na Europa causaram uma imigração descontrolada que influencia o avanço do aquecimento global e a escassez de recursos naturais.

A Era da Estupidez

A Era da Estupidez

Um arquivista do futuro analisa registros audiovisuais do passado para tentar entender por que a humanidade falhou na luta contra as mudanças climáticas e o aquecimento global.

A Última Hora

A Última Hora

O documentário, narrado e produzido por Leonardo DiCaprio, aborda os desastres naturais causados pela própria humanidade. Mostra como o ecossistema tem sido destruído e o que é possível fazer para reverter esse quadro.Entrevistas com mais de 50 renomados cientistas e líderes, como Stephen Hawking e o ex-presidente soviético Mikhail Gorbachev, ajudam a esclarecer essas importantes questões, assim como indicar alternativas possíveis à sustentabilidade.