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Operacja Samum

The war between Iraq and Kuwait is just about to begin. While all foreigners are leaving Iraq, Pawel, a young Polish engineer is captured by the Iraqi Secret Service. His father, a retired secret service operative goes to Iraq to attempt to rescue him not knowing that he is secretly being used as bait. Now, two Polish secret agents have been assigned by the CIA to attempt a rescue mission. The stakes are high, but are they high enough to risk the life of one of the best officers?

Tomorrow's Weather

A man, after having abandoned his family to live in a monastery, goes back into the world after 17 years.

The Artillery Sergeant Kaleń

The movie is about the fate of Polish soldier named Kaleń who fought with UPA in 1946.The film recounts the exploits of the Polish soldier caught in the turmoil among the Polish Communist army, anti-communist underground and Ukrainian fascists.

Around the World with Bolek and Lolek

Animated film about two young boys, Bolek and Lolek, who seek to fulfill the last will of Phileas Fogg who decided that his inheritor would be the one who made an identical round the world journey as he had done, using the means of transport generally in use in the nineteenth century. As they journey round the world, a bad character named Jeremiah tries to foil their attempts.

Serial Teachers 2

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.

O Senhor dos Anéis: As Duas Torres

Após a captura de Merry e Pippy pelos orcs, a Sociedade do Anel é dissolvida. Frodo e Sam seguem sua jornada rumo à Montanha da Perdição para destruir o anel e descobrem que estão sendo perseguidos pelo misterioso Gollum. Enquanto isso, Aragorn, o elfo e arqueiro Legolas e o anão Gimli partem para resgatar os hobbits sequestrados e chegam ao reino de Rohan, onde o rei Theoden foi vítima de uma maldição mortal de Saruman.


E se mostrar soluções e contar uma boa história fosse a melhor maneira de resolver as crises ecológicas, econômicas e sociais que atravessam nossos países? Após a publicação de um estudo que anunciava o possível desaparecimento de parte da humanidade até 2100, Cyril Dion e Mélanie Laurent partiram com uma equipe de quatro pessoas por dez países para entender o que poderia provocar essa catástrofe e, sobretudo, como evitá-la. Durante a viagem, encontraram pioneiros que reinventaram a agricultura, a energia, a economia, a democracia e a educação. Todas juntas, estas iniciativas positivas e concretas, já contribuem para definir o mundo de amanhã…

Gay in Amsterdam

The Dutch film "Gay in Amsterdam" is about a cheating gay couple going through a rough patch in their relationship enjoying the famous Amsterdam gay-scene extravaganza.