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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

White Bim Black Ear

A touching story about a white Gordon Setter with black ear, who became homeless because of his master's illness. His master, Ivan Ivanovich, a man far from being young, fond of hunting and nature, took a puppy to live with him, despite the dog's black ear being a "shame of nature" to his breed. The man always took his dog, whom he called Bim or Bimka, to hunting in country. Later, however Ivan Ivanovich began to have problems with heart and when the disease became worse was taken to a hospital. His dog couldn't bear waiting for the only person that ever cared for him and set out to find his master. Thus began the story of a homeless dog and his many breathtaking and exciting adventures, encounters of many people, kind and evil, and leads to an unexpected and heart-rending end.

Zombie Fight Club

É o fim do século em uma esquina da cidade, em um prédio repleto de crimes. Todos no prédio se transformaram em zumbis. Depois que o namorado de Jenny é morto em um ataque de zumbis, ela enfrenta o desafio de sobreviver diante das adversidades. Para se manter viva, ela luta com Andy para fugir do perigo.

Posto Avançado em Marrocos

Captain Gerard, greatest lover in the Foreign Legion, is assigned to escort an emir's daughter to her father's mountain citadel and find out what he can about the emir's activities. Gerard enjoys his work with lovely Cara, but arrives to find rebellion brewing.


A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Freud: Além da Alma

John Huston realiza uma pseudo-biografia do psicanalista vienense Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), mas descrevendo apenas um período de cinco anos (a partir de 1885) da vida do médico. Nessa época, a maioria dos colegas de Freud se recusavam a tratar dos casos de histeria por acreditar que tudo não passava de fingimento dos pacientes para chamar atenção. Mas Freud não acreditava nisso e passou a aplicar a técnica da hipnose, que viria a se tornar uma prática no tratamento psiquiátrico.

O Último Brilho do Crepúsculo

Um general renegado da USAF, Lawrence Dell, escapa de uma prisão militar e assume um silo de míssil ICBM perto de Montana e ameaça provocar a 3ª Guerra Mundial, a menos que o presidente revele detalhes de uma reunião secreta realizada logo após o início da Guerra do Vietnã entre Dell e os então conselheiros mais confiáveis do presidente. 3 versões de montagem: 146 min - Original 123 min - Suécia 91 min - França

Layers of Lies

An ex-fireman returns to his home country Iran after a decade-long absence, only to have his old enemy resurface and steal away what he treasures most - and now he'll stop at nothing to exact revenge.