Amante Latino

Amante Latino

(72 votos)



Amante Latino



Duração: 01h44m

Data de lançamento: 19 de março de 2015

Genêros: Drama, Comédia.


Casa Grande

Sônia e Hugo são da alta burguesia carioca e levam uma vida bastante confortável. Aos poucos vão à falência, mas ninguém sabe de seus problemas financeiros, nem mesmo o filho Jean, que faz de tudo para se desvencilhar dos pais super protetores. Para se manter, o casal corta despesas e ele, que só se preocupava com garotas e vestibular, enfrenta pela primeira vez a realidade.

It's Now or Never

Narrates the preparation for a wedding of a Spanish couple in which everything goes wrong.

Where I've Never Lived

Where I've never been to live, Francesca's emotional conflicts, 50, is the only daughter of a famous Turin architect, to whom she visits only on rare occasions. For many years, Francesca lives in Paris with her teenage daughter and her husband Benoît, a financier on her sixty, apparently reserved but paternal and protective about her. Due to a domestic accident that forces the elderly father to bed, the woman flees to Turin to take her parents in the design of a villa on a lake for a young couple. At work he meets architect Massimo, his peer-minded career and engaged in an open relationship with independent Sandra. After a tough first approach, Massimo and Francesca create a strong professional tune that leads to a deep and passionate feeling. For the first time in life, both will have to really confront themselves and their most authentic destinies ...

Mafia & Red Tomatoes

In Puglia, a cooperative wants to farm the land confiscated from a Mafioso, as it is legally entitled to do. But things are moving slowly. So the members of the cooperative turn to Filippo, who belongs to an anti-mafia organisation with its headquarters in the north. Filippo arrives in Puglia and realises that everyone, starting with the carabinieri, is taking huge liberties with the law.

Merry Christmas... Happy New Year

In this romantic story, a couple (Michel Serrault and Virna Lisi) who have been married for over forty years are forced to separate, one to each of their two children's families, when they can no longer pay the rent on their longtime apartment. Absence, in this case, refreshes their memory of the love they have shared, and they take to meeting one another furtively in hotel rooms for sex and affection. One summer, as each of their daughters families takes them on separate vacations, they have had enough, and elope, finding contentment as lighthouse keepers off the coast of Sicily.

What’s the Big Deal

A young man challenges the web to offer money for a sex tape of him and his girlfriend to finance his work and finally be able to afford having a child. Is it really wrong to sell our own intimacy in order to be able to afford making our dreams come true?

Miss Violence

Angeliki comete suicídio enquanto a família comemora seu aniversário de 11 anos de idade. A família alega ter sido um acidente para escapar de agentes do serviço social que desconfiam de algo estranho no dia-a-dia da família.

Loucas de Alegria

Beatrice Morandini Valdirana tem transtorno de personalidade, gosta de fazer drama e se autodenomina condessa, além de conhecer Deus em sua intimidade. Donatella Morelli é uma jovem tímida e frágil que guarda um doloroso segredo. Ambas são internas de um hospital para mulheres com distúrbios mentais e são consideradas socialmente perigosas. Beatrice e Donatella desenvolvem uma improvável amizade, e fogem à procura de um pouco de felicidade no manicômio a céu aberto que é o mundo dos sãos.