มอ 6/5 ปากหมาท้าผี 3

มอ 6/5 ปากหมาท้าผี 3

(8 votos)



มอ 6/5 ปากหมาท้าผี 3


All the Weight of the World

Everyone carries something, some burden that weighs him down. Some are crushed, others are freed, others just carry on. Eleven characters cross each others paths, unveiling their fears and desires, during the world weightlifting championship

Make Me Shudder 2: Shudder Me Mae Nak

Nick, Bew, James and their friend are preparing for their university admissions, but because of James' less than desired results, he brings his friends to get the blessings of Mae Nak. Nick doesn't believe in Mae Nak and constantly makes fun of it. Suddenly, the group finds themselves in the realm of Mae Nak and have to find a way out to return to normality.


Baseado no anti-herói não convencional da Marvel Comics, Deadpool conta a história da origem do ex-agente das Forças Especiais que se tornou o mercenário Wade Wilson. Depois de ser submetido a um desonesto experimento que o deixa com poderes de cura acelerada, Wade adota o alter ego de Deadpool. Armado com suas novas habilidades e um senso de humor negro e distorcido, Deadpool persegue o homem que quase destruiu sua vida.

Always the doubt

Uma mulher revê suas fobias e seus sonhos. Uma viagem de introspecção para o passado, uma análise das realizações e dos fracassos. Um equilíbrio da vida, o passado. A dúvida inelutável, o presente. E o futuro inquietante e temido.

Allegro Barbaro

Zsadányi flees from the authorities with his goddaughter, Bankós Mari, and they escape into the forest. The film then skips ahead thirty-fold years: Zsadány and Mari are now lovers, with the sound of war in the background halting their romance. The old friends of Zsadányi have joined with the Nazis, and the landowner living with his peasants in a socialist community grows distant from them. Zsadányi is held responsible for political problems in the country, and will pay with his life.

Cake Bomb

Two different, fashionable women are having lunch in a London restaurant. They seem to be doing this on a regular. They start talking about trainees and why women are more adept at doing their "profession" than men. This women versus men dialogue becomes our key dialogue for the short. The two women turn out to be part of a "spy" organization. While the two talk, a dashing male agent comes in the restaurant. He takes a seat by the bar. The two women explain who he is, a smug member of their opposition all-male program. Young trainees start the process of building a bomb that is being put in a birthday cake. Later, the waitress brings the birthday cake to the man with a candle on it. What happens next? Something sinister or is it just a training lesson?

Thunder Over Arizona

Ervin Plummer-played by the estimable George Macready, who like his good friend Vincent Price was a man of culture and erudition who specialised in bad guy roles-is a grasping avaricious businessman with a hunger for gold.

Way Back Home

Jeong-won, que esqueceu o passado e vive um casamento tranquilo, um dia recebe um telefonema da polícia. O homem que a agrediu sexualmente foi pego e a notícia abala a vida do casal e quebra seu cotidiano.
