テニスの王子様 跡部からの贈り物〜君に捧げるテニプリ祭り〜.

テニスの王子様 跡部からの贈り物〜君に捧げるテニプリ祭り〜.

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テニスの王子様 跡部からの贈り物〜君に捧げるテニプリ祭り〜.



Duração: 00h29m

Data de lançamento: 29 de janeiro de 2005

Genêros: Animação.


Superflat Monogram

While waiting to meet her friends outside of a Louis Vuitton store, Aya's cell phone is eaten by the LV Panda, who then promptly swallows Aya - but the inside of his stomach is gateway to a psychadelic wonderland. Based on characters created by famed superflat artist Takashi Murakami.

Too White To Be Black, Too Black To Be White: The New Orleans Creole

If the melting pot theory ever existed in America, it happened in New Orleans. This presentation examines a group of marginalized mixed-race Americans who are both multi-cultural and multi-ethnic. This documentary is the first authentic treatment of a group of Americans who proudly identify themselves as creoles. It provides first-hand accounts of their experiences in New Orleans. After reconstruction, the Supreme Court decision, Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), divided America into two worlds: one white and one disenfranchised black. The Creole stories they tell in this documentary speak to the social history of the united states where the fruits of the american dream were rewarded to those with European features, light skin, and good hair. Often, survival meant giving up one's gens de couleur [colored people] identity to assimilate into white america. The process of becoming a productive american has been fraught with both rejection and racism for creoles of color. This is their story.

Vuelven los García

Ruled by a tough grandma, the Garcías are three charro cousins who fall in love with young American-born Lupita and fight for her love until grandma quiets them.

All Eyes on Sharon Tate

Promotional short film on an aspiring young actress Sharon Tate and her first film Eye of the Devil (1966).

The Bridge

A gay Australian man reflects on the immigration problems of his young Russian boyfriend.

Homem Livre

Hélio Lotte já foi rodeado de fama e dinheiro, e esteve por muito tempo no centro dos holofotes. Hoje, livre da cadeia após anos preso por um crime brutal, o ex-ídolo do rock só tem uma intenção: ser esquecido. O que ele não imagina é que, ao se abrigar em uma pequena igreja evangélica, partes do seu passado voltarão à tona trazendo mais um acontecimento ruim.