البعض يذهب للمأذون مرتين

البعض يذهب للمأذون مرتين

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البعض يذهب للمأذون مرتين


Harami El Hob

Ma'moun works in a bank and he has Kleptomania. He steals a precious necklace while he is at a party hosted by the businessman Naguib. He meets Sonia, who turns out to be an informant for the police.

Estação Central de Cairo

Na caótica estação central de Cairo, o humilde vendedor de jornais Qinawi se apaixona por Hannuma, uma mulher de espírito livre que dribla as autoridades para vender refrigerantes aos passageiros. Ao ser rejeitado, sua obsessão se torna perigosa à medida que entra num estado de insanidade.

Bayside Shakedown 2

The movie takes place again in the fictional Wangan Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department the once empty space within Wangan's jurisdiction has become a popular tourist attraction. When a string of murders of company execs begins taking place, Aoshima jumps at the opportunity to pursue something other than his current case, which he finds less than inspiring. However the powers that be have other ideas, and Wangan again plays host to a special investigation team from headquarters. Aoshima's friend Superintendent Shinji Muroi, assigned by headquarters to assist Okita, is again powerless to help the local officers as decisions are made by the higher ups.

O Mundo de Corman

A chronicle of the long career of American filmmaker Roger Corman, the most tenacious and ingenious low-budget producer and director in the US film industry, a pioneer of independent filmmaking and discoverer of new talent.

The Afterman

"The Afterman" is about a guy who lived alone in an atomic fallout shelter after the A-Bomb was dropped, so he can't read, write or speak. 20 years later the shelter opens and he wanders into a barbaric world full of sex and depravity. The film is done completely without dialogue and it offers some wall-to-wall sleaze including graphic nudity, homosexual rape and forced blow-job.

O Retorno do Capitão Invisível

Alan Arkin interpreta o Captain Invincible do título, um super-herói que caiu em desgraça durante o McCarthysmo e foi viver para a Austrália. Trinta anos mais tarde, o governo dos EUA volta a chamá-lo para combater o seu arqui-inimigo, Mr. Midnight (Christopher Lee), que reapareceu. O problema é que, entretanto, o outrora paladino do bem só pensa na bebida.

Pacto Quebrado

A vida do publicitário Eddie Schneider parecia segura, mas tudo desmorona quando seu cunhado, Anthony, estupra Angelina, uma colega de trabalho, e chantageia Eddie para que ele testemunhe em seu favor – mentindo. Caso ele não o faça, Anthony está disposto a revelar os casos extraconjugais de Eddie. Para proteger seu status e seu futuro casamento, Eddie o ajuda ao se apresentar como álibi do rapaz. Contudo, Angelina quer vingança e mata seu agressor, desaparecendo em seguida e deixando provas que incriminam Eddie. Agora, um segredo de família pode mudar tudo drasticamente.

The Return of Joe Rich

Joe believed in right and wrong until... His job outsourced to India. His teaser rate spiked. His wife bailed. But Joe has a plan...to get it all back, and more. Joe returns home, to the last place on planet Earth where real men can be found...Chicago. Joe's Uncle Dominic is "connected". Joe wants in...to The Mob, or "The Outfit", as it is called in Chicago. And he'll do anything to make it happen. Can a wanna-be wise guy live a long and happy life ? A way cool element of The Return of Joe Rich is amazing HD documentary footage of 10 real-life "Chicago Guys" ages 73 to 89. These "guys" found themselves in the same predicament, in real life, in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's, that Joe does today. They form a "Greek Chorus" which inter-cuts with the present day narrative of The Return of Joe Rich. Written by Sam Auster