La cena di Natale

La cena di Natale

(181 votos)



La cena di Natale



Duração: 01h35m

Data de lançamento: 24 de novembro de 2016

Genêros: Romance, Comédia.


Eu Que Amo Apenas a Ti

Lukewarm wedding acquires a new meaning when the father of the groom rekindles his long-time love for the mother of the bride.

Tommaso Buscetta: O Nosso Mafioso

A história de como o chefe mafioso siciliano Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), o Padrinho de Dois Mundos, revelou, a partir de 1984, os segredos mais profundos da organização, ajudando a condenar as centenas de mafiosos que foram julgados no julgamento realizado em Palermo entre 1986 e 1987.

Brotinho Indócil

Jimmy (Rex Harrison) e Sheila (Kay Kendall) formam o casal Broadbent, que está de volta à Inglaterra depois de ter passado um bom tempo na América. Mas eles terão dificuldades com a adaptação da filha Jane (Sandra Dee), totalmente acostumada com a rotina americana.

Arena dos Sonhos

O filme conta a história de uma jovem garota – interpretada por Baillee Madison – que sonha em encontrar seu pai um dia, um cowboy de rodeios. Enquanto procura por seu pai, ela se junta a um time de meninas que treinam montaria, treinadas por uma antiga estrela de rodeio, interpretado por James Cromwell.

Two Stepmoms

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

Les Souvenirs

Twenty-three years old Romain would like to be a writer, but, for the moment, he's night watchman in a hotel. His sixty-two years old father is retired and seems to not give a damn about anything. He shares an apartment with a twenty-four-year-old guy whose sole purpose in life is to seduce a woman, no matter who, and no matter the cost. His eighty-five years old grandmother is living in an old people's home, and she wonders what on earth she is doing with stuck with all these old people. One day, Romain's father turns up in a fluster. His grandmother has disappeared. In fact, she kind of escaped. Romain sets out to find her, somewhere in his memories.


Samuel tem 16 anos e é apaixonado por skates. Ele sonha estudar e se mudar para a Califórnia, mas seus planos são interrompidos quando a namorada fica grávida.

There's No Religion Anymore

Set on the small island of Porto Buio, the traditional live Christmas Nativity scene might not go ahead because the baby who’s always played Jesus has grown up and no new babies have been born on the island in years! With this fundamental tradition on the line, newly elected Mayor Cecco (Claudio Bisio) wants to ask the local Tunisian community to “borrow” one of their children, but there’s conflict between the two communities. Cecco enlists the help of local Islam convert Bilal (Alessandro Gassman) to cross the cultural divide… but both communities are not sure what to make of a baby Jesus that may need his nationality, and even his religion changed!