Неуловимые мстители

Неуловимые мстители

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Неуловимые мстители


The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers

The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...

Office Romance

Anatoly Novoseltsev is a mousy single father and office stumblebum working at a statistics bureau in Moscow. In the hopes of being promoted, he is coaxed into charming his disagreeable and seemingly unfeeling boss, Ludmila Kalugina, or "Meany" as she's otherwise known by her subordinates. Helped by his colleagues Olya and Yura, Anatoly attempts to ease the yoke of Ms. Kalugina, and what follows in the wake of his graceless manoeuvres is completely unforeseen, as he awakens a side to her not yet known, even to herself..

Guerra e Paz 3 O Ano de 1812

Parte 3 do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. Em 1812, o Exército de Napoleão invade a Rússia. O general Mikhail Kutuzov pede ao príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky que se junte a ele como oficial de sua equipe, mas o príncipe solicita um comando no campo. Pierre Bezukhov procura assistir o próximo confronto entre os exércitos. Durante a Batalha de Borodino, ele se oferece para ajudar em uma bateria de artilharia. A unidade de Bolkonsky espera na reserva, mas ele é atingido por uma granada. Tanto Anatol Kuragin quanto Andrei Bolkosnky, os dois amores de Natasha Rostova, sofrem ferimentos graves. O exército francês é vitorioso e avança sobre Moscou.

Did We Meet Somewhere Before

Maximov and his wife Larisa Levkoyeva going to vacation, but in last minutes Levkoyeva were called back to theater. And Maximov goes all alone to the Crimea on the train. On the one of station he miss his train and must check the city and make a concert to reach the point of destination. But he is so popular that people just didn't let him rest like he want...

Crown of Russian Empire, or the Elusives Again

The Russian Civil War is over and the White Guard are all dead or abroad. Some of the exiled nobles are attempting to crown a new Tsar/Emperor abroad, and a couple of impostors are vying for the position. At the same time, some of the Elusive Avengers' old foes are trying to return to Russia, for mysterious reasons. The avengers are assigned the task of finding out what's going on. Turns out the bad guys are after the Russian Crown, which is encrusted with many diamonds and jewels. It is not clear whether the crown is only wanted for the coronation ceremony or if the bad guys are trying to sell it to the highest bidder, but either way they must be stopped. The avengers are after them. Two go to Paris to infiltrate the emigrant community, and the other two work on the Russian soil.


In Russia, there has long been a society of billiards, whose members are scattered throughout the country. Many of them have long become millionaires. And they should thank the old school teachers for this. Most of these old people live starving and lonely. In order to somehow brighten up their old age, the new generation of billiards decided to chip in and give their teachers a big mansion, where there will be decent food, good medical care and fresh air. No one refused his share of the contribution, except for an authority by the name of Savitsky. Soon, he completely changes his mind and organizes an ambush on the road, takes away not only his own money, but also his total money. The barely surviving couriers report this to all members of the community. The group comes up with a decent punishment by sending him a professional pool player nicknamed Classic. The bandit will have to fight with a virtuoso who prefers to play for large sums in order to save money.

There Is Such a Lad

A story about Pashka, a really decent, honest guy, even though he lies a lot, who is looking for happiness and love.


A população foi infectada com um vírus que faz com que as pessoas se transformem em zumbis. Poucos são os humanos não infectados, entre eles Columbus, que deseja voltar para sua cidade natal na esperança de encontrar seus pais ainda vivos. No caminho, Columbus encontra Tallahassee, que está indo para a Flórida para aniquilar zumbis, e pega carona. Ao parar em uma mercearia, a dupla encontra Wichita e Little Rock, que aparenta ter sido mordida por um zumbi, o que divide o grupo sobre o que fazer.