زهرة الصبار

زهرة الصبار

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زهرة الصبار


Beautiful People

A successful model abandons the world of fashion to marry her beloved. A little before the wedding, their relationship goes through a serious crisis, when they meet a wealthy and enigmatic man.


A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Russkiy Suvenir

The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the Baikal region. In addition to the Soviet citizen Varvara Komarova, all other passengers are foreigners. Using a stop, they explore new cities and get acquainted with the life, work and rest of Soviet people.

Copa do Mundo da FIFA de 2006 - The Grand Finale

A Copa do Mundo da FIFA de 2006 foi a 18ª Copa do Mundo da FIFA, o torneio mundial de futebol realizado de quatro em quatro anos. Realizou-se na Alemanha, onde trinta e uma equipes qualificadas a partir das eliminatórias, juntamente com a nação anfitriã, participaram do torneio final. A Itália venceu o torneio, conquistando o quarto título da Copa do Mundo. Eles derrotaram a França na disputa de pênaltis na final, depois que a prorrogação terminou empatada.

Who Talks

O curta segue duas pessoas em lados diferentes durante uma reunião de informações sobre a nova casa para crianças refugiadas desacompanhadas.

Justiça a Muque

Julie's husband has been murdered and land agents want her to sign away her property rights. Hoppy warns against this but she does so anyway. It looks as though she will be unable to deliver the timber called for in her agreement. Hoppy has to make the lumber deal happened and solve the murder.