Κοντσέρτο Για Πολυβόλα

Κοντσέρτο Για Πολυβόλα

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Κοντσέρτο Για Πολυβόλα


Zero Hour Society

A formerly heroic air force pilot, now an alcoholic loser with a failed marriage, is appointed by his older brother in the Ministry of Commerce to investigate a tragic plane crash that killed 28 people. As he goes through the motions in an alcoholic daze, he gradually comes to realize that the wreck was due to criminal negligence and failure to follow mandatory safety regulations.

Always the doubt

Uma mulher revê suas fobias e seus sonhos. Uma viagem de introspecção para o passado, uma análise das realizações e dos fracassos. Um equilíbrio da vida, o passado. A dúvida inelutável, o presente. E o futuro inquietante e temido.

The Last Egg

A successful and beautiful woman has always said no to marriage. Upon turning 30, she discovers she has a rare disease which will soon cause ovarian failure. How will she find a way to get pregnant before she can no longer have a child?

Layers of Lies

An ex-fireman returns to his home country Iran after a decade-long absence, only to have his old enemy resurface and steal away what he treasures most - and now he'll stop at nothing to exact revenge.

They Went That-A-Way & That-A-Way

Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.

Men and Beasts

The plot is based on the dramatic fate of the Red Army commander Aleksei Ivanovich Pavlov. Having been captured in January 1942 and being among the displaced persons, he didn't immediately decide to return to the USSR. Having rolled around the foreign country for 17 years, Aleksei nevertheless returned to his homeland. He goes to his brother in the south of the country to Sevastopol. Aleksei accidentally meets the doctor Anna Andreyevna, who was saved from death in besieged Leningrad. She travels by car from Moscow and also to the south, with her daughter Tanya; she suggests he join them. Aleksei tells about his life on the road.

Allegro Barbaro

Zsadányi flees from the authorities with his goddaughter, Bankós Mari, and they escape into the forest. The film then skips ahead thirty-fold years: Zsadány and Mari are now lovers, with the sound of war in the background halting their romance. The old friends of Zsadányi have joined with the Nazis, and the landowner living with his peasants in a socialist community grows distant from them. Zsadányi is held responsible for political problems in the country, and will pay with his life.

Appuntamento a Liverpool

Caterina's father died before her eyes in the Heysel Stadium disaster. Years later, she's summoned by British police to look at some possible suspects. She recognizes her father's murderer, a Scouser cab driver, but doesn't say anything, choosing to track him down and exact revenge on her own.