Une aventure polaire : Jean-Baptiste Charcot

Une aventure polaire : Jean-Baptiste Charcot

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Une aventure polaire : Jean-Baptiste Charcot



The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..


A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Life Kills

A romantic comedy of our times about passion, friendship and lies, on one of those days when the city and its inhabitants go crazy and anything seems possible. Diego and Silvia meet each other and fall in love thanks to their masterly lies. The morning after, with their respective friends, they remember the encounter and slowly begin to realize how sincere and honest that relationship was. When the opportunity arises, both struggle to meet again on a day in which a sudden and unusual disorder reigns in Mexico City.

East End Babylon

The story of London's toughest and poorest part as told through the eyes of the iconic band Cockney Rejects.

Pororo - Aventuras na ilha do tesouro

Pororo and his friends at the pirate restaurant accidentally take a treasure map of the legendary treasure and head to the treasure island. While searching for friends scattered on the mysterious treasure island where the secrets of ancient civilization are kept, they meet a long-trapped pirate hero, Captain Silver, and solves the mystery of the treasure map with him. But they fall into danger because of the evil pirate Captain Black, who chased after them, and the monsters on the treasure island. Can Pororo and his friends come back safely in search of the treasures?

The Dinner Party

Upon hearing a grim outlook from a psychic one morning, Zelda Pickford willingly sets in motion a series of humorous and harrowing events that unfold during the course of a New Year's Eve dinner party. A disastrous love triangle ensues in a story that raises the classic question—was it fate or was it folly?

The First Teacher

Dyuishen is assigned to the mountainous Kirghiz region of Central Asia by the Young Communist League after he is discharged from the Red Army. It is 1923 and the Civil war has ended. The former soldier becomes a teacher, bringing the Leninist doctrine to the remote Moslem area where elders did not allow children to go to school. He falls in love with one of his students, but the young woman is sold by her father to a wealthy chieftain. When the school is burned down, the majestic poplar trees that are a source of local pride are cut down to rebuild the new structure.

Monster of the Nudist Colony

Mr. Hammer, a private detective, is hired to find a monster terrorizing a nudist colony and his wife is very eager to tag along.


A Ursa Polar

A Ursa Polar

A história de uma mãe cujas memórias da própria juventude a preparam para lidar com a maternidade em um mundo cada vez mais desafiador para os ursos polares.

O Último Batalhão

O Último Batalhão

Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, o jovem advogado nova-iorquino Charles White é promovido a major e enviado ao combate à frente de um batalhão formado por quinhentos outros nova-iorquinos e caipiras do interior do país. O resultado foi a concessão de 3 medalhas de honra.



Mel Gibson apresenta uma eletrizante performance, nesta empolgante história do diretor Peter Weir, sobre a amizade e a aventura de dois soldados australianos em 1915. Eles cruzam continentes e oceanos, sobre pirâmides e caminham pelas antigas areias do Egito para juntar-se a seu regimento na batalha de Gallipoli. Os ecos da história misturam-se com o destino desses amigos, à medida que eles se tornam parte de um lendário confronto na 1ª Guerra Mundial, entre Austrália e os turcos, aliados da Alemanha – uma batalha que significou para os australianos o que Álamo significou para os americanos. Estrelando Mel Gibson e Mark Lee..

Feliz Natal

Feliz Natal

Natal de 1914, em plena 1ª Guerra Mundial. A neve e presentes da família e do exército ocupam as trincheiras francesas, escocesas e alemãs, envolvidas no conflito. Durante a noite os soldados saem de suas trincheiras e deixam seus rifles de lado, para apertar as mãos do inimigo e confraternizar o Natal. É o suficiente para mudar a vida de um padre anglicano, um tenente francês, um grande tenor alemão e sua companheira, uma soprano.

A Outra Face da Guerra

A Outra Face da Guerra

Depois de testemunhar sua mãe sendo baleada pelas tropas invasoras alemãs, Arturs, de 16 anos, junto com seu pai, decide se alistar nos batalhões de fuzileiros da Letônia do Exército Imperial Russo, na esperança de se vingar e encontrar a glória. Arturs continua a lutar na Primeira Guerra Mundial na Frente Oriental, onde perde seu pai e irmão, e rapidamente se desilude. Eventualmente, Arturs retorna ao seu recém-proclamado país para lutar na Guerra da Independência da Letônia e começar tudo do zero.