Engaging Father Christmas

Engaging Father Christmas

(62 votos)



Engaging Father Christmas



Duração: 01h25m

Data de lançamento: 12 de novembro de 2017

Genêros: Cinema TV, Romance, Drama.


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Christmas Around the Corner

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Finding Father Christmas

Christmas for Miranda (Krakow) is a painful reminder of the family she never had. Her mother died when she was young, never revealing the identity of her father. But, three days before Christmas, she unexpectedly receives a clue as to the whereabouts that takes her to a beautiful New England town where she meets Ian (Matter), a young man who helps with her search. As the clues lead to her father’s identity and Miranda discovers the possibility of love in Ian, and she learns that her father lived in the small town and now she knows his family (her brother and her biological father’s wife). She faces a terrible decision… Should she share the truth and risk losing the family she has just found, or leave and keep the secret forever? This Christmas promises to be life-changing for Miranda with a new chance at life and love.

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