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Я худею


Gogol. The Beginning

The year 1829. Nikolay Gogol, a young Third Section clerk, is desperate: his own books seem shallow and mediocre, so he keeps buying entire print runs just to burn them all. He is suffering from violent epileptic seizures and struggles to keep on working. Investigator Yakov Guro accidentally witnesses one such fit and realizes that Gogol's visions contain clues that could help solve actual crimes. Together, Gogol and Guro take on a particularly weird and baffling case that brings them to a small village of Dikanka, where everyone has a huge secret to hide.

Sobre Amor. Somente para Adultos.

O filme se passa em Moscou no verão. A cidade vive sua vida, algo acontece aqui todos os dias. Pessoas que têm pressa em seus negócios importantes, e também não se esquecem da aquisição de novos conhecimentos e habilidades.


Every year on the International Women’s Day telephone networks transfer millions of phone calls and SMS messages. The vast majority of phone calls are addressed to the most important women in lives of everyone - to our mothers. But what would it be if because of enormous number of calls telephone network breaks down? What would we do? Someone would wait until network is rebuilt and would congratulate his mom in the evening or even the next day. But others, like the heroes of our movie, would change their plans to congratulate their moms just today ... personally ... as a kid!..

Comeback Season

First Down. Second Chance. Skylar is a star quarterback of his football team. He's got the skills, the looks, and the girls. His next-door neighbor, Walter is a loving husband, good father and all-round decent family man. When their worlds start to crumble they find themselves in jail together and suddenly these former enemies must rely on each other to rebuild their lives...

Russia - In the Realm of Tigers, Bears and Volcanoes

A window into Russia, unknown to Western man, and even to many Russians. "Russia - the largest country in the world. In many of its parts, it remains unknown world full of wonders. Let the world and will continue for the generations that come after us".

Walking the Streets of Moscow

On a stopover in Moscow, a young writer Volodya makes friends with Kolya, who is returning home from a hard night shift. Just as Kolya is about to take a rest, he is met by his old friend Sasha, who wants help getting a deferral from military service so that he can get married.

Ice: Quando o Amor Transforma

Depois que Nadya (Aglaya Tarasova) é hospitalizada devido a uma grave lesão, ela desiste do seu sonho de infância de ser uma patinadora campeã e resolve deixar tudo para trás. Mas quando conhece Sasha (Alexander Petrov), um peculiar jogador de hóquei que a ensina a acreditar de novo na sua força, a vida de Nadya sofre uma grande mudança.

Spacewalker: Rumo ao Desconhecido

Em março de 1965, a União Soviética e os Estados Unidos disputavam o primeiro lugar na corrida pela conquista espacial e o próximo e ambicioso passo era fazer um homem "caminhar" em pleno espaço sideral. Dois cosmonautas russos, Aleksei Leonov e Pavel Belyayev, se lançam na missão Voskhod 2 com o objetivo de serem os pioneiros desta façanha. Sendo o primeiro ser humano a deixar a nave em um traje espacial e realizar uma caminhada de doze minutos, Leonov entra para a história, mas não sem enfrentar inúmeras dificuldades e perigos, antes e depois da concretização do seu feito. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)