Les Municipaux, ces héros

Les Municipaux, ces héros

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Les Municipaux, ces héros


Como Meninos

Reims, France, 1969. Paul Coutard is a 30-year-old sports journalist at daily newspaper Le Champenois. Charming, childish and a womanizer, he does exactly what he pleases. Then one day, his boss forces him to plan the newspaper’s annual fair together with Emmanuelle Bruno, the discreet and beautiful executive assistant. Paul has the crazy idea to organize a women’s football match for the first time. With Emmanuelle’s help, the project grows to unexpected proportions, as does their romance.

Les Municipaux : Trop c'est trop

The charming small port of Port-Vendres, with its 280 municipal employees, is shaken by a rumour: the Mayor, assisted by his department head, a Parisian who has studied at an elite business school, have the dark intention of reducing the staff of communal employees. Revolt rumbles, the majority and almost single union of the municipal employees organizes a response. The national secretary himself comes to consult. Upon his proposition, an historic decision is made: the municipal employees will strike.

Go Fast: No Coração do Tráfico

Marek, oficial da polícia, acabou de perder seu melhor amigo e colega durante uma operação contra uma rede de traficantes de drogas. Ele é treinado para se infiltrar numa gang que importa maconha em grandes quantidades a partir de Espanha, graças aos carros carregados e potentes que rodam a droga a toda a velocidade para as cidades…


Michel works there manically solving people's problems over the phone. He is about to tie the knot with his girl friend Isabelle, an airline hostess. She flies all over the world, he hates to leave the office. A series of madcap mishaps involving theft or injury (as you would expect in his line of work) ensues after Michel promises Isabelle nothing will delay their marriage and she promises in turn that she's done flying. Once this unlikely promise is made, it becomes premise and both are forced into escalating white lies to maintain the appearance of keeping their word. Their predicament mounts as Isabelle is forced to do a few more flights, while Michel is compelled to travel to New York, Tunisia, and finally Hong Kong, where they are finally reunited in the throes of a contrived and hilarious drug deal involving a 747, water taxi chases, and martial arts.

Um Amante Francês

Alex é um gigolô que passou a maior parte de sua vida ao lado de Denise, uma senhora ricaça de oitenta e poucos anos. Agora que está mais velho, o francês é trocado por um garotão e acaba tendo que ir morar com sua irmã e o sobrinho. Desesperado, ele tem um único objetivo: encontrar uma nova parceira para sustentá-lo.

My Worst Nightmare

Agathe runs an art gallery. Her husband François is a publisher. Together they have one son, and in every way seem to be the picture of normality — but emotions are stewing under the surface. All it takes is the arrival of a complete stranger for things to start unravelling. Patrick is brash, uncouth and totally unselfconscious...

Gaston Lagaffe

Gaston is a new guy at the Peticoin start-up. With his delusional inventions, he will change the lives of his colleagues. Cat, seagull, cow, and gaffophone will be at the center of the mishaps of this genius laidback handyman who wants only to do good, but has the gift of annoying Prunelle, his boss. Can those Gaston's gaffes galore prevent the buy-out of the Peticoin by Mr. de Mesmaeker?

Tchau Mané

Lambert, frentista noturno, alcóolico e solitário, desenvolve uma relação de amizade com um jovem traficante, Bensoussan, meio árabe, meio judeu. Uma relação tipo pai-filho. Quando Bensoussan é morto por traficantes, Lambert decide se vingar.