Dekalog, osiem

Dekalog, osiem

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Dekalog, osiem


Decalogue X

Jerzy and Artur’s father dies, leaving behind a valuable stamp collection, which, they discover, is coveted by dealers of varying degrees of shadiness. The more involved the brothers get in their father’s world, the more dire and comical their situation becomes.

Decalogue VII

As a high school student, Majka bore a child, Ania, whom Majka’s mother, Ewa, has been raising as her own. Now that Majka is ready for motherhood, Ewa refuses to let go, leading Majka to kidnap her own daughter, with unexpected emotional consequences.

Decalogue IX

Roman and Hanka have a loving marriage, but his impotence has led to her having an affair. The unbearable situation drives Roman to extreme measures both physically and mentally, testing their love and his own will to live.

Decalogue V

Jacek, an angry drifter, murders a taxi driver, brutally and without motive. His case is assigned to Piotr, an idealistic young lawyer who is morally opposed to the death penalty, and their interactions take on an emotional honesty that throws into stark relief for Piotr the injustice of killing of any kind.

Decalogue II

Dorota Geller, a married woman, faces a dilemma involving her sick husband's prognosis. Her husband's doctor, who believes in God, sweared about it in vain.

O Silêncio

Traveling through an unnamed European country on the brink of war, sickly, intellectual Ester, her sister Anna and Anna's young son, Johan, check into a near-empty hotel. A basic inability to communicate among the three seems only to worsen during their stay. Anna provokes her sister by enjoying a dalliance with a local man, while the boy, left to himself, has a series of enigmatic encounters that heighten the growing air of isolation.

O Silêncio de Melinda

Após ser agredida numa festa, estudante recorre à polícia, mas ainda sob o impacto do trauma, não consegue relatar os fatos como realmente aconteceram. Estigmatizada na escola e sem o apoio da família, a jovem mergulha num mundo de silêncio e dor.

Hana-Bi: Fogos de Artifício

O detetive Nishi tem sua vida abalada após descobrir que sua mulher tem uma doença terminal; seu parceiro é baleado e ficará para sempre em uma cadeira de rodas. O policial começa a se sentir responsável pelo sofrimento dos dois e decide sair da polícia e pegar um grande empréstimo com a máfia para dar um pouco de conforto aos que estão à sua volta. Para pagar o empréstimo, Nishi arquitetará um plano que mudará o curso de sua vida.