

(28 votos)






Uma enfermeira, um paramédico, uma ginasta e o seu treinador fundam um grupo de apoio, denominado de Alps, no qual, contratados por familiares e amigos, eles substituem pessoas falecidas recentemente. Apesar do regime disciplinado imposto pelo líder do grupo, a enfermeira começará a ignorar as regras deste estranho grupo.

The Geographer Drank His Globe Away

Victor Sluzhkin signs on as a teacher of geography in a secondary school in his native Perm (in the Urals) and gets lost in a haze of hard vodka, desperate love for a nymphet-like student and the stress of educating teenagers. Geographer, as the students immediately dub Sluzhkin, attempts to escape from the grueling, dull, stultifying reality of Russia's provincial life in a rafting tour to the Urals. Accompanied by wild, adventure-seeking adolescents, faced with the numerous grim surprises of the nature, Geographer is poised to find himself and his own truth.

SportLotto - 82

Adventurous comedy about a bunch of people hunting the winning lottery ticket.

Chapiteau Show: Love and Friendship - Part 1

A cyberstranger, a deaf baker, hipsters and Crimea, all in the first part of Sergei Loban's dilogy. Love. This is a performance not to be missed! A love story between a fragile girl who daydreamed of becoming a princess and Cyberstranger, a mysterious young man hiding behind a nickname. A sea of tears and an abyss of despair! Can Cinderella and the Invisible Man be together? Step right up, step right up! Friendship. Light the lights! There is a show in town today! Here is a story of a deaf young man with a flaming heart and a boy with an ice shard in his eye. Witness insidious betrayal and unbending courage! Danko and Kai – fire and ice collide! Will the universe survive the battle of the elements? A spectacle you have never seen before and will never see again!

About Her Brother

Ginko's younger brother Tetsuro, a failed comedian, is the oddball of the family. Embarrassing, loud and plain inappropriate at times causes Ginko to disown him. The two reunite when she discovers Tetsuro is terminally ill. Tetsuro’s impending death marks the beginning of love and toleration.

The Rooster

After the death of Anya's lover she has no reason to live. Suddenly she comes across a rooster who is a spitting image of her late lover. She decides to build a proper romantic relationship with this rooster in spite of that everything and everyone are against it.

A Árvore da Vida

Conta a história que aproxima o foco na relação entre pai e filho de uma família comum, e expande a ótica desta rica relação, ao longo dos séculos, desde o Big Bang até o fim dos tempos, em uma fabulosa viagem pela história da vida e seus mistérios, que culmina na busca pelo amor altruísta e o perdão.

Antes Que Eu Vá

Samantha Kingston (Zoey Deutch) é uma jovem que tem tudo o que uma jovem pode desejar da vida.. No entanto, essa vida perfeita chega a um final abrupto e repentino no dia 12 de fevereiro, um dia que seria um dia como outro qualquer se não fosse o dia de sua morte. Porém, segundos antes de realmente morrer, ela terá a oportunidade de mudar a sua última semana e, talvez, o seu destino.