

(78 votos)





Queens of The Field

After its football team is disqualified for insulting a referee during a major game, a small country town risks losing its funding along with its field. To avoid this disaster, there is only one solution: creating a new team made up exclusively of women to defend the city’s colors! But in a community where football has always been an activity reserved for men, these women’s new status will be sure to shake up the daily lives of the town’s residents…


A group under siege at an Army fort grapple with painful memories.

The Burning Hills

When Trace Jordan's brother is murdered by members of the land-grabbing Sutton family, he vows to report this injustice to the nearest Army fort.

I Feel Good

He’s lived for too long off his parents. It’s time for 40-year-old slacker Jacques to get by on his own. One-time gigolo and a borderline bum, he knows what he wants – to become rich and famous. He even has a business plan: tourism combined with cheap plastic surgery. Jacques moves in with his older sister, Monique, who manages an Emmaus village in the south west of France. And before long, the smooth-talking chancer has convinced a group of workers to pool their meagre funds and set out on a trip to a clinic in Bulgaria, where all their dreams of a brighter and more beautiful future will all come true. If only…

La Classe américaine

George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)

Um Amor de Mãe

Tudo ia bem na vida de Fanny até que ela descobre que seu filho amado, Arthur, de 9 anos, é o bode expiatório de três garotos de sua escola. Fanny não deixará seu filho sozinho enfrentando seus pequenos carrascos. Ela vai aprontar com esse garotos truques sujos e armadilhas, claro, no playground, agora isso vai ser "olho por olho e dente por dente".

Maré Negra

Um policial desiludido (Vincent Cassel) começa a investigar a morte de uma criança quando seu distante filho delinquente aparece de volta em sua vida.

Viva a França

Muzafar e Feruz são amáveis pastores em um pequeno país desconhecido. Para tornar o país conhecido, eles recebem a missão de destruir a Torre Eiffel. Chegando na França, encontram um ambiente muito hostil, mas mudam de ideia ao conhecerem a jovem e bondosa Marianne.