Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz

Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz

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Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz



En route to London, Bear discovers at the border checkpoint that his passport is missing a few pages, which may prevent him from traveling to the city with the sports team he manages.

Decalogue VII

As a high school student, Majka bore a child, Ania, whom Majka’s mother, Ewa, has been raising as her own. Now that Majka is ready for motherhood, Ewa refuses to let go, leading Majka to kidnap her own daughter, with unexpected emotional consequences.

Let's Make a Grandson

To save the family land from a mysterious millionaire, a farmer hatches a plan to marry off his two children so they can take over the business.

The Deserters

Set in military barracks in a small town during World War I. The soldiers herded in the barracks are 'politically suspect' mix of characters from all over of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Czechs, Jews, and even Italians, but officers in charge are Germans. A new lieutenant arrives with the mission to bring order to the unit. He is the sadist, enjoying humiliating the men. Fed up with his behaviour the lower ranks kidnap him one night and string him up in a public toilet. They also make sure that he fouls up during the inspection. Eventually the five ring leaders are imprisoned. They escape and end up in Budapest posing as guards as guards of veterinary surgeons. They are caught and sent back to face a court martial and their old tormentor.

Pilot Pirx's Inquest

Pirx, an experienced pilot, is hired to go on a top-secret mission to evaluate some 'nonlinears' (an experimental model of android) for use as crewmembers on future space flights. Pirx and this intriguing crew are sent out to launch two satellites into the rings of Saturn, but he is determined to find out and identify a hostile unhuman coworker among them.

Mudança de Hábito

Em Reno, Nevada, Deloris Van Cartier é uma cantora que acidentalmente testemunha um brutal assassinato cometido pelo seu namorado, Vince LaRocca, um gângster. Enquanto tentam capturar Vince, um detetive, Eddie Souther, é encarregado de protegê-la. Deloris é colocada no programa de proteção às testemunhas e é mandada para um convento em São Francisco disfarçada de freira, usando o nome de irmã Mary Clarence. Mas seu jeito extrovertido, que não é aprovado pela Madre Superiora, acaba fazendo ela dar uma nova vida ao coral, chamando a atenção das pessoas e de Vince.

Mamma Mia!

1999, na ilha grega de Kalokairi. Sophie está prestes a se casar e, sem saber quem é seu pai, envia convites para Sam Carmichael, Harry Bright e Bill Anderson. Eles vêm de diferentes partes do mundo, dispostos a reencontrar a mulher de suas vidas: Donna, mãe de Sophie. Ao chegarem Donna é surpreendida, tendo que inventar desculpas para não revelar quem é o pai de Sophie.

Jogos Vorazes: Em Chamas

Após saírem vencedores da última edição dos Jogos Vorazes, as atitudes desafiadoras de Katniss e Peeta acabam inspirando uma rebelião contra a opressiva Capital. No entanto, os dois são obrigados a participarem de uma edição especial do torneio, o Massacre Quaternário, que acontece apenas a cada 25 anos, e reúne vencedores das edições anteriores.