Eyyvah Eyvah 2

Eyyvah Eyvah 2

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Eyyvah Eyvah 2


Eyyvah Eyvah 3

Thid part of the popular turkish comedy film series.

Mortal World

Mermer family, who has been managing a restaurant called “Anatolian flavors” in Haydarpasa train station for generations, consist of 8 members. Even though this family leads a quiet simple life, they will end up finding themselves in complicated situations. Moreover, this family has been keeping a secret for a long time and it just can’t come out at any cost..

Eyyvah Eyvah

Hüseyin is a young man who lives with his grandfather and grandmother in a village in Thracian Turkey. The two great loves of his life are his clarinet and Müjgan, a nurse. Although Hüseyin is content with his life, with his music and dreams of Mügan, due to an unexpected development he leaves his village. He ends up in Istanbul where he finds support first in his clarinet and then in the friendship of the singer Firuzan. Firuzan is a popular nightclub performer who is eagerly working on an album as she leads a colorful but complicated life. When Firuzan meets Huseyin, the course of events gives away to a hilarious adventure.

The Magician

Failed magician Iskender decides to do a tour to save his career, but has to bring his grumpy and senile father along. The tour is quite unexpectedly interrupted when a bride actually disappears from the stage.

The Foster Brothers

Saban, Ramazan and Bayram are sailors in an Ottoman Navy and Hüsamettin is their commander. Hüsamettin's aide Ramazan, Saban who is foster son of Hüsamettin's sister and Bayram who is married to Hüsamettin's niece stays at Hüsamettin's family residence. Hüsamettin's sister thinks Ramazan is her foster son Saban when she realizes her mistake she introduces Ramazan to her brother as her son in law Bayram since she was afraid of Hüsamettin's short-tempered character. Things get complicated when real Saban and Bayram come to the residence. Now Saban has to be Ramazan and Bayram has to be Saban. Meanwhile, a gulyabani (a ghoul from Turkish folklore) haunts the residence.

O Garoto

Quando uma jovem mãe abandona seu recém-nascido, o Vagabundo o encontra e passa a cuidar dele. Parceiros de crime, o Vagabundo e o Garoto desenvolvem um laço insubstituível. Cinco anos depois, a mãe reaparece e coloca em risco a relação da dupla.

Resident Evil 5: Retribuição

O vírus-T fatal da Corporação Umbrella está se espalhando pelo mundo, transformando pessoas comuns em legiões de zumbis. Prestes à extinção, a raça humana só tem uma esperança: Alice. Ela tem uma missão, lutando pelas cidades e através de continentes, sempre dentro da principal instalação de pesquisa da Corporação Umbrella. Velhos amigos se tornam novos inimigos, enquanto ela batalha para se libertar e descobre que tudo em que acreditou pode nem ser verdade.

A Era do Gelo 4

A louca perseguição de Scrat sempre à caça de sua noz inquieta – perseguição à qual ele tem se dedicado desde os primórdios dos tempos – tem consequências que mudam o mundo e causam um cataclismo continental que leva Manny, Diego e Sid a viverem a maior aventura de todos os tempos. Nessa maré de mudanças, Sid acaba reencontrando sua avó turrona, e o bando ainda tem de lidar com uma horda de piratas decididos a impedi-los de voltar para casa.
