L'amico di famiglia

L'amico di famiglia

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L'amico di famiglia


One Man Up

The story of two men, both named Antonio Pisapia, who are on the decline and lead strangely parallel lives. One is a pop singer whose success ends after a sex scandal; the other is a football player whose career is cut short by an injury.

The Masks of Death

Sherlock Holmes has retired. But when MacDonald asks him to take on another case, he says yes. There have been some mysterious murders, and there are no visible causes for the deaths. At the same time Holmes gets this case, Graf Udo Von Felseck gives him another case: find a young and missing prince to prevent war between Germany and England. But Von Felseck is not as honest as he seems...

A Friend of Vincent

Vincent is the victim of an assassination attempt carried out by a young woman who wants to avenge her sister. Albert, the childhood friend of Vincent, wants to help and begins to investigate the woman, but he realizes that Vincent is perhaps not the person he seems to be.

Autobiographical Scene Number 6882

A 30-years old man is celebrating Midsummer's eve together with friends on the west coast of Sweden. He makes his friends come and watch as he is going to jump into the sea from a very high bridge.


When Alexander and Laura meet during a party what they feel for each other is obvious, but she’s about to get married and Alexander shares a daughter with his beautiful wife. Thanks in part to the support of his lifelong friends, Alexander's childhood memories constantly resurface, leading him to reflect on what was, what will be, and what could have been.

Benvenuti in casa Esposito

Tonino Esposito is the son of the fearsome Camorra boss of Rione Sanità, Naples. Unlike him, however, Tonino is clumsy and utterly innocuous—a good person at heart—and so when his father dies he's passed over in matters of succession. His pride wounded, he doesn't not resign himself and tries to be his own boss, only managing to make a fool of himself. When he discovers that his daughter is dating to the son of the judge who's investigating the boss of Rione Sanità, Tonino sees the opportunity to prove himself in front of his family and all of Naples.

Nico, 1988

Approaching age 50, singer/songwriter Nico leads a solitary existence, far from her days as a Warhol superstar and celebrated vocalist for the Velvet Underground in the 1960s. Her life and career on the fringes, Nico's new manager convinces her to hit the road again and tour in Europe to promote her latest album. She longs to rebuild a relationship with her son, whose custody she lost long ago.

Piazza Fontana: Uma Conspiração Italiana

Milão, 12 de dezembro de 1969. Uma bomba explode no Banco Nacional da Agricultura na Praça Fontana e deixa 17 mortos e 88 feridos. O comissário Luigi Calabresi lidera a investigação policial e acredita que grupos anarquistas estão por trás do atentado. O caso fica ainda mais complicado quando o manifestante Giuseppe Pinelli, que havia sido preso, acaba morto misteriosamente dentro da unidade policial. Calabresi não desiste de solucionar o caso e acaba se deparando com uma verdadeira conspiração.