스와핑 하던 날

스와핑 하던 날

(10 votos)



스와핑 하던 날



Duração: 01h21m

Data de lançamento: 10 de julho de 2017

Genêros: Romance.


Feitiço das Trevas

Zhenya, uma mulher apaixonada que foi abandonada pelo marido, faz um ritual mágico para trazê-lo de volta. O feitiço poderoso tem uma consequência, o amor vira uma obsessão.

A Mãe do Ano

A ex-agente especial Nina volta para a ativa depois que o filho que ela nunca teve a chance de conhecer é sequestrado.


Joon-ha had the best night of his life with an older woman he met while drinking. He starts looking for her as he can't forget the feeling and finally they meet. However, she's going to become his new stepmom. She's his father's girlfriend. When the three start living together, things turn edgy and then dangerous when his father leaves the house one day.

Sex First, Love Second

Gong-soo works in an underwear company and has a crush on one of the new designers named Soo-yeon. Gong-soo is preparing a design PT for a major company when he decides to tell Soo-yeon how he feels about her. He looks for a chance to tell her but Chief Lee, a handsome and talented man gets in the way.

Covet: Island of Desire

People who are on a fishing boat in a secluded countryside wake up to a deep desire in their heart. Money, sex, power ... In the uninhabited desert of endless desire, it turns out that somebody is found as a body and another person is on the island. Can they escape safely from the island of desire?

My Wife's Lover

Mi-yeon, a woman who has lived without her eyes and eyes to take care of her husband and son. The family is everything she can't change with anything in the world. Her husband, Cheol-min, is stressed every day because of a project to win the company's life-saving home shopping broadcast rights. A few days later, when he hears that a competitor has won a home shopping broadcast, Cheol-min visits Hyun-gil, a college senior at home shopping. Hyun-gil said that it was already decided, and her wife Mi-yeon went to the door, and Mi-yeon, a wife, visits Hyun-gil's house to ease her husband's difficulties. Hyun-gil will ask Mi-yeon, who has visited her home, to make a secret offer ...

Vidas Passadas

Nora e Hae Sung são amigos de infância profundamente conectados que se separam quando a família de Nora emigra da Coreia do Sul. Duas décadas depois, se reencontram em Nova York numa semana fatídica enquanto confrontam noções de destino, amor e as escolhas que fazem uma vida, neste romance moderno comovente.

Halloween 4: O Retorno de Michael Myers

Dez anos depois de seu massacre, o doentio Michael Myers está sendo transferido do sanatório de doentes mentais de Richmond, quando foge exatamente no dia de Halloween e vai atrás da sua sobrinha de sete anos, para matá-la. Conseguirá o Dr. Loomis impedir a investida de terror criada por Myers?
