Vence o Amor

Vence o Amor

(339 votos)



Vence o Amor


Sinopse: Antonio, Peppino e Lucia são três irmãos que moram perto de Nápoles. O filho de Lucia, Gianni, vai para Nápoles estudar medicina, mas lá ele conhece uma dançarina de balé. Eles se apaixonam e, quando ela vai para Milão, Gianni vai atrás. Quando ficam sabendo disso e com medo de que seu sobrinho pare de estudar, os três irmãos Caponi partirão para persuadir Gianni a voltar a Nápoles e continuar estudando e que abandone a "Malafemmina". (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)

Duração: 01h46m

Data de lançamento: 23 de agosto de 1956

Genêros: Comédia, Romance.


Guardas e Ladrões

Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.

A Quadrilha dos Honestos

Italy, mid '60s. Three guys from a poor neighbourhood try to get rich by printing fake money using the fact that one of them works as a typographer. The story unravels around their embarrassed efforts to spend the money, their little family issues and ends with a surprise.

Vigarista 62

Antonio, a former variety actor, keeps his daughter in an excellent boarding school by organizing small scams with his friend and colleague Felice. Commissioner Malvasia good-naturedly persecuted him. When their respective unsuspecting children fall in love, the two fathers make peace.

Confusões à Italiana

Eugene, a young nobleman, asks two penniless idlers to impersonate his noble relatives to help him marry Gemma, the daughter of an enriched cook.

Totò diabolicus

The marquis Galeazzo di Torre Alta is murdered by a mysterious killer who calls himself Diabolicus. His heirs are his three brothers and a sister, but all of them, with the exception of Monsignor Antonino di Torre Alta, are killed by Diabolicus. The police are unable to solve the case, but when Antonino gives his inheritance to Pasquale Bonocore, illegitimate son of his father and Pasquale is in prison and therefore can't be the killer, all the clues are in the hand of the police.

Totó Fora da Lei

Antonio and Peppino live in a small town in central Italy: Peppino is the barber, Totò is maintained by the rich but avaricious wife Teresa.

Totó Procura Casa

Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.

Hands Off Me!

In his first feature, great Italian clown Totò plays a carefree tramp moving from job to job, in order to provide for himself and his young Shirley Temple-like protégée.