Uma Vida Difícil

Uma Vida Difícil

(121 votos)



Uma Vida Difícil



Duração: 01h58m

Data de lançamento: 19 de dezembro de 1961

Genêros: Comédia, Drama.


Brancaleone nas Cruzadas

After saving an infant of royal blood, knight Brancaleone forms a new army and sets out to return the baby to his father: a prince fighting in the Crusades.

Semeando a Ilusão

An aging American millionairess journeys to Rome each year with her chauffeur George to play the card game scopone with destitute Peppino and his wife Antonia.

Trenque Lauquen

With the strange disappearance of Laura, two colleagues, her older boyfriend, Rafael, and Ezequiel, learn of their recent discoveries, which may help them locate her. However, the story is bigger and stranger than they could imagine.

Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses

When Marino goes to Rome for an event, he certainly does not imagine meeting Marisa, who will become the love of his life. But once love is found, it is a matter of spreading it and here the difficulties begin: first the father who opposes it; then, after the death of his father, the gossips who make Marino believe that Marisa was a little good, so much so that Marisa runs away. Repentant, Marino searches in vain and then, almost by accident, finds her again, Mrs. Ciceri. But love admits no obstacles, not even that of a deaf and dumb husband.

The Ape Woman

A modest Neapolitan man meets a young woman with excessive hairiness. He exhibits her at fairs and marries her. It is after marriage that he receives a tempting offer from a French manager.

Nobody's Perfect

Guerrino, a prematurely widowed businessman, falls in love with Chantal, a former paratrooper in the German army who changed sex a few years earlier.

O Guarda

Um policial irlandês nada ortodoxo e um nervoso agente do FBI trabalham juntos na investigação de uma rede internacional de contrabando de drogas.


Toto (Salvatore Abruzzese) tem 13 anos e trabalha como mensageiro de um grupo de traficantes de drogas e armas. Pasquale (Salvatore Cantalupo), alfaiate contratado secretamente por chineses para formar operários, descobre subitamente que sua vida corre perigo. Don Ciro (Gianfelice Imparato) é responsável por levar dinheiro a famílias cujos membros estão presos ou mortos. Como eles, outros tantos habitantes de Nápoles e da região da Campanha têm suas vidas regidas pela Camorra, a tradicional máfia local que alimenta uma espiral de violência sem fim. Painel brutal e perturbador da máfia napolitana, uma das mais sangrentas e lucrativas da Itália atual.