È arrivato mio fratello

È arrivato mio fratello

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È arrivato mio fratello


Hot Potato

A factory worker known for his tough attitude and for fighting for workers' rights starts losing credibility when friends and co-workers see him helping a young gay man.

7 Kilos in 7 Days

Two not very clever young doctors open a fitness center and promise to let people lose seven kilos in seven days. When the enterprise fails they open a gourmet restaurant.

È nata una star?

Marco, a shy teenager, learns that he has... what it takes to be a great porn star, but he doesn't know how to tell his parents. Hell breaks loose when a neighbor finds a porn video of him and leaves it in his parents' mailbox.

Us Real Men, We Hard Men

Mario, a tram-driver, and Silvio, a banker, make friends in the group of participants in a survival training course.

Infelici e contenti

Aldo and Vittorio are two men suffering from disabilities. One is blind, the other is forced to a wheelchair. Vittorio one day by chance meets Aldo in the hospice and invites him to take a pleasure trip to Sanremo in Liguria. In fact Vittorio, though blind, is a cheat who’s in trouble.

Three Perfect Daughters

Three families go into crisis when their daughters get engaged because they are convinced that their young daughters have all chosen a wrong partner.

The Haunted House

George and Lucia are newlyweds and have also been lucky enough to find a home at a low price , very low . Maybe too low . In fact the house is haunted by two lovers who, a thousand years ago, were surprised by the girl's mother who subsequently turned them into pillars of salt . But there is a way to break the magic and free the two lovers caught in the curse and it is all in the hands of the newlyweds on their wedding night . Will they succeed ?

Rich and Poor

Pozzetto is a rich man obsessed by the idea of becoming poor. So, his psychiatric suggests him to leave home and live just like a poor man for some days. He will then become familiar with this way of living, and fear less the idea of becoming poor. So he does, and his old family & friends soon forget about him. They don't miss him at all.