Le Marquis

Le Marquis

(175 votos)



Le Marquis


Camping 2

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...

The Wedding Cake

The wedding of Vincent and Berenger does not begin well. For starters, the fabulous cake for the reception falls apart as the butler of the château, and one of the caterers is taking down a flight of stairs falls. The cream puffs are carefully picked up from the floor an arranged as though nothing happened. The bride comes from a bourgeois family, presided by Maddie, an old lady with a secret in her heart. The wedding, to be performed at the local church, by father Victor, proves to be not the classic marriage that has been planned...

Best in Bed

Raised to believe in performance and in the idea that all abilities must be optimized, Emma is a young, methodical woman who appears determined and relatively sure of herself. But two consecutive failures (real or imagined) lead her to believe that she has a real problem: she is useless in bed. Because she is more fragile than she appears, Emma hence decides to become... the best lay in Paris! She then sets out on a formidable plan of action (theory, practical, validation of acquired knowledge), which soon provokes a series of misunderstandings and disasters within her immediate vicinity. For one thing, her method doesn't turn out to be really adapted to her field of investigation. And Emma has probably also forgotten a little detail: love doesn't obey any plan. In this absurd and nutty quest, Emma will learn to let go, to lose control, and, to finally win her freedom.


To fight against the introduction of automatic checkouts that threaten their jobs, staff members at Hard Discounts secretly create their own "Alternative Discount" outlet by salvaging products that would otherwise have been wasted.

The Life Coach

Max Chêne is a life coach who helps to motivate everybody from professional athletes to government ministers to business executives. After his gambling debts get out of control and his wife throws him out, he is approached to take on a unique client.

My New Partner III

Durante dez anos, os caminhos de René e François ficaram separados. Dos gloriosos dias em que, como policiais, eles percorriam a área de Montmartre restaram um punhado de memórias. René, à beira da falta de moradia, sobrevive em uma casa-barco em ruínas atracado na bacia do arsenal abaixo do BRB, a Brigada Repressão banditismo. O destino trabalha para reunir novamente René e Francis. Desta vez, não lado a lado, mas um contra o outro.


Uma noite, sob uma lua vermelha, seis adolescentes são atraídas a um parque abandonado por uma força misteriosa. Ao chegar, elas descobrem que foram convocadas para cumprir uma antiga profecia que poderá salvar o mundo. Elas devem aprender a trabalhar em conjunto, apesar de suas diferenças, para controlar os poderes mágicos que ganharam vida dentro de si. Círculo retrata um mundo paralelo no qual sonhos, pais chatos, bullying, vingança e amor colidem com as perigosas forças do misticismo.

Ducobu 4 President

Ducobu is elected president of the school, much to Léonie and Latouche's despair!