

(5 votos)






Duração: 03h40m

Data de lançamento: 26 de setembro de 2019

Genêros: Drama, Thriller.



The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Always the doubt

Uma mulher revê suas fobias e seus sonhos. Uma viagem de introspecção para o passado, uma análise das realizações e dos fracassos. Um equilíbrio da vida, o passado. A dúvida inelutável, o presente. E o futuro inquietante e temido.

Doctor Who: A Viagem dos Condenados

Quando o desastre atinge o Titanic, o Doutor descobre uma ameaça para toda a raça humana. Lutando ao lado de alienígenas, sabotadores, robôs, Anjos e uma nova amiga chamada Astrid, ele pode parar o inferno de Natal?


A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.


A scientist's experiment could lead to the first man-made, functioning, living organism. An elite escape artist-private investigator is working to stop him.

The Dinner Party

Upon hearing a grim outlook from a psychic one morning, Zelda Pickford willingly sets in motion a series of humorous and harrowing events that unfold during the course of a New Year's Eve dinner party. A disastrous love triangle ensues in a story that raises the classic question—was it fate or was it folly?

Refugee Poetry

The Kurdish Iraqi poet and actor Zeravan Khalil travels with his dog through an Alpine gorge after fleeing from IS war and genocide. As he remembers the abomination, he writes a poem with the title “You drive me mad” in Kurmanji Kurdish. In his home country, Yazidic Kurds are forbidden to work in his profession. Then he eats his apple and wanders through Europe’s middle with more hope.

As Ruínas do Cinema Khouri

Diana, a pregnant architect, is hired to work in the renovation of the old Cinema Khouri, abandoned after the tragic death of a child. However, when she gets trapped inside there, Diana discovers the old cinema is not only alive, but hides an entity that wishes to keep her in there forever.