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Sinopse: Diante do resultado da última eleição no Brasil, a atriz Georgette Fadel decide se candidatar à presidência em 2022. E, para se reencontrar com anseios políticos que no momento pareciam impossíveis, ela embarca em uma viagem de ônibus ao Uruguai, na utópica tentativa de passar a virada do ano com o ex-presidente uruguaio Pepe Mujica. Mas ela não parte sozinha. Ainda nos primeiros minutos, esbarra em Léo, um empresário rico, com posições políticas polêmicas, mas que se tornará, quem diria, o maior parceiro de jornada de Georgette.

Duração: 01h34m

Data de lançamento: 17 de outubro de 2019

Genêros: Documentário.


A Febre

Justino, é um guarda de segurança no porto de Manaus. Enquanto sua filha se prepara para estudar medicina em Brasília, Justino é dominado por uma febre misteriosa.

Marvel Knights: Eternals

You are thousands of years old. You have amazing powers. You have watched civilizations rise and fall. So why does no one remember any of this? Best-selling author, Neil Gaiman (Marvel: 1602) is joined by superstar artist, John Romita. Jr. (Amazing Spider-Man), to bring you the extraordinary tale of The Eternals. Medical student Mark Curry's world is turned upside-down when he meets Ike Harris, a man who believes that he is part of a centuries-old race of super-powered beings put here on Earth by aliens to preserve and safeguard the planet — and even crazier, tried to convince Mark that he is one too.


The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

Guide to the Galaxy with James Gunn

The director and his 8-bit avatar lead you on a galactic adventure through the making of this epic movie, from vibrant concept art, elaborate makeup and amazing sets, to dancing baby Groot.

Virando o Jogo

Depois de sofrer uma derrota esmagadora, todos pensavam que o Abilene Eagles, um time de futebol americano do Ensino Médio, não teria a menor chance de competir pelo título na temporada seguinte. No entanto, a liderança de Chad Mitchell e a figura paterna de Harold Christian incentivarão os jogadores a enfrentar desafios dentro e fora de campo e transformarão a história do clube e do esporte americano para sempre.


The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..


In 1947 when the maps of India and Pakistan were being drawn, an oversight ensured that the village of Paglapur didn't find a place in either country. Over 60 years later, Paglapur is isolated, and in need of help. The residents seek help, but as a direct result of being left off the map, they find no one willing to accept Paglapur, and its problems, as their jurisdiction. The villagers decide they need to draw media attention to Paglapur, and in so doing, gain acceptance and help from those who had previously denied them.

O Olho de Ouro

A gold mine in Arizona, that was formerly losing a lot of money, suddenly turns into a veritable money-making machine. However, the owner, instead of being happy about his now profitable business, insists to Charlie that something is fishy and that someone is out to murder him. Charlie and his "crew" travel to the mine, pretending to be tourists staying at a nearby dude ranch so as not to arouse suspicion, and discover that the owner may well be right--it looks like the mine is being used as a cover for criminal activities, and that someone is indeed out to murder him.