Les malheurs d'Alfred

Les malheurs d'Alfred

(62 votos)



Les malheurs d'Alfred



Duração: 01h38m

Data de lançamento: 01 de março de 1972

Genêros: Comédia.


A Cabra

Desde que nasceu, a vida de Marie Bens é um desastre atrás do outro. Ela resolve partir sozinha para a América do Sul. Assim que chega ao seu destino, desaparece sem deixar vestígios. Desesperado, o pai faz de tudo para encontrar a filha.

Mania de Grandeza

Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.

The Wild Goose Chase

The whole intrigue is centered around carte-blanche documents kept in a vault. Whoever fills in the blank becomes the owner of a revue. Big money is involved. The nephew of the owner of the vault is trying to cheat his uncle and have his name in the documents. Everything is even more complicated because the manager of the bank has a finger in the pie, too. Who but a humble bank-teller (Pierre Richard) will ruin the scheme?


História de intriga internacional envolvendo um professor universitário, um primeiro-ministro árabe, um homem de negócios impiedoso, uma bela espiã, e hieróglifos.


Mangin, a police inspector in Paris, leans hard on informants to get evidence on three Tunisian brothers who traffic in drugs. He arrests one, Simon, and his girl-friend Noria. Simon's brothers go to their lawyer. He springs Noria, who promptly steals 2 million francs that belong to the Tunisians. They suspect her of the theft; her life as well as the lawyer's is in danger. Meanwhile, Noria is playing with both the lawyer and Mangin's affections. Mangin is mercurial anyway: intimidating and bloodying suspects, falling for a police commission trainee before flipping for Noria, wearing his emotions on his sleeve. Can he save the lawyer and Noria, and can he convince her to love?

The Bottom Line

An advertising photographer, François, has agreed to sell the poetic script of one of his friends to a porn-maker without his knowledge. But Christine, François' fiance, doesn't want him to do so, especially when the naive friend has succeeded in recruiting the young daughter of his employer to play in what he thinks is a romantic love movie.

Simplesmente Amor

Nove histórias que se entrelaçam mostrando as complexidades da emoção que nos conecta a todos: o amor. Entre os personagens, o belo recém-eleito primeiro-ministro britânico, David, que se apaixona por uma jovem funcionária. Uma desenhista gráfica, Sarah, cuja devoção a seu irmão, doente mental, complica sua vida amorosa. Harry, um homem casado tentado por sua atraente nova secretária. São vidas e amores que se misturam na romântica Londres, e atingem o seu clímax na noite de Natal.


5 assassinos da máfia japonesa se encontram à bordo de um trem-bala que faz o trajeto entre as cidades Tóquio até Morioka com poucas paradas. Assim, a tensão entre esse grupo de habilidosos e mortais profissionais só aumentam quando eles descobrem a presença um do outro e começam a entrar em conflito em si.