Wara, Road to the Stars

Wara, Road to the Stars

(4 votos)



Wara, Road to the Stars



Duração: 00h54m

Data de lançamento: 13 de julho de 2017

Genêros: Documentário.

Elenco: Wara,


Crossing Iceland

Jerome Josserand is a professional snow kiter. In 2007 he set the world record for the highest kite flight. It was 450 m above the ground. Jerome is in love with wind and its power to use it to mount high mountains. His home is a place called Col du Lautaret which is also his playground. On his way he found Iceland. He noticed that there is snow and wind all the time. And he thought:” What if I would cross Iceland from southern to northern Iceland in just one day, with just power of wind?” And so he did. Crossing Iceland in such winter conditions was extremely tough and demanding. He needed to be in great physical and psychical preparation. There was wind exceeding 80km/h, there was equipment failure at -25C while shooting the movie, there was snow and freezing Icelandic nature everywhere. Even though Jerome prepared himself well for this journey, in the end everything depends of the power of wind… The question is – did he succeed? Did he make his wish come true?

O Alpinista

Marc-André Leclerc escala sozinho, longe dos holofotes. Em penhascos remotos, o canadense de alma livre de 23 anos faz uma das escaladas solo mais ousadas da história. Ainda assim, atrai pouca atenção. Sem câmeras, sem corda e sem margem para erro, a abordagem de Leclerc é a essência da aventura solo. Nômade e avesso à publicidade, ele não tem telefone nem carro, e reluta em deixar que uma equipe registre sua visão pura do alpinismo. O cinegrafista veterano Peter Mortimer (THE DAWN WALL) começa a fazer um filme sobre Leclerc, mas não consegue acompanhar seu esquivo protagonista. Então, Leclerc embarca numa aventura histórica na Patagônia, que redefinirá o que é possível em escalada solo.

Tôkaidô Yotsuya Kaidan: The Anime

An adaptation of Yotsuya Kaidan, a classic Japanese horror story about a ghost getting revenge.

Fate Fighter

Two brothers, Yat and Leung, with different mothers have different fates. After Leung and his mother being expelled from the family, they are housed by a feng shui master. Leung is a lucky guy and brings a good fortune to his mother. On the other side, Yat's presence poses a tragic threat to his family. Eventually, Yat's parents die and Leung's mother decides to raise Yat and the two boys exchange their names. However, their lives will turn upside down when they reach the age of thirty. The only way Yat can retain his luck is to overtake all the good luck from Leung.

The Prank

After their teacher fails them, two high school students decide to teach the imperious, demanding instructor a lesson by falsely accusing her of the murder of a missing student.

Highway Runnery

Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner around an old jalopy that starts up and runs him over, with the Road Runner at the wheel.


Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

Crying Out

A young man feels compelled to travel with his grand-father. The young man wants to find his father who ran away with the corpse of his ex-wife.
