O Selvagem

O Selvagem

(115 votos)



O Selvagem



Duração: 01h47m

Data de lançamento: 26 de novembro de 1975

Genêros: Romance, Comédia, Aventura.


Loiro Alto do Sapato Preto

Hapless orchestra player becomes an unwitting pawn of rival factions within the French secret service after he is chosen as a decoy by being identified as a super secret agent.

The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe

With "little captain" Cambrai raising serious doubts about the reality of the so-called "super spy," Colonel Toulouse kidnaps Christine and forces Francois to play again the character of "The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe" in some fake adventures. All this to stop the investigation into the death of Colonel Milan.

Clamor do Sexo

O amor de uma garota frágil do Kansas por um jovem bonito da família mais poderosa da cidade a leva a um coração partido e à loucura. É 1928 no sudeste do Kansas, rico em petróleo. Os alunos do ensino médio Bud Stamper e Deanie Loomis estão apaixonados um pelo outro. Bud, o popular capitão de futebol, e Deanie, a alma sensível, são 'bons' garotos que só chegaram a se beijar. Eles esperam se casar um dia. Mas ambos enfrentam pressões dentro do relacionamento, Bud que tem o desejo de ir mais longe, apesar de saber em seu coração que, se eles fizerem isso, Deanie acabará ficando com uma reputação igual de sua própria irmã, Ginny Stamper, conhecida como a garota solitária e imoral. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)

Tira ou Ladrão

When the local police inspector was found dead in a prostitute's house, police division commissioner Stan Borowitz is sent to investigate the situation. Posing as the prostitute's long-lost brother "Antonio Cerruti," he discovers a mare's nest of police corruption. In fact, in this comedy thriller the whole town is corrupt. If they were closely examined, Stan's methods for pursuing this investigation might embarrass the police. For instance, he drives into a criminal's house in a fancy, expensive race car. In another incident, he callously blows up a casino owned by Musard , one of the town's crime bosses. On that occasion, he first forces Musard to remove his clothes, and the poor criminal watches his casino explode from across the square while standing naked in a phone booth. Meanwhile, Stan seduces the lovely Edmonde.

Adeus, Primeiro Amor

Camille (Lola Créton) e Sullivan (Sebastian Urzendowsky) vivem pela primeira vez a sensação do amor. Ela tem 15 anos, enquanto que ele é um pouco mais velho. O casal tem um relacionamento inocente, despretencioso e maduro para a idade deles. Quando Sullivan decide deixar o país os sonhos de ambos caem por terra, fazendo-os sentir um tipo de dor até então desconhecida.

La Menace

Henri Savin has managed a trucking company for his lover, Dominique Montlaur, for many years. Now he is planning to leave her for Julie Manet, the woman he has made pregnant, and Dominique is hysterical. She first threatens suicide, then shows up at a meeting of Savin and Julie. Dominique tries everything she can think of to break Savin and Julie apart, to no avail. Frustrated in her efforts, she jumps off a cliff and dies. Savin insists that he and Julie lie to the police about the encounter, although Dominique's death was a suicide and therefore they had no direct hand in it. Detective Waldeck investigates Dominique's death.

Forte Saganne

Charles Saganne subiu na hierarquia do exército para se tornar um oficial. Em 1911, ele se tornou um tenente e, cansado da vida da guarnição, deixou a França para uma vida de aventura no Saara.


The day he is released from jail, Serge is expected by four killers sent by Count Charles Varèse assigned to make him confess where he has hidden the jewels stolen during his last stickup. On the other hand the police inspector who arrested him offers him protection on condition he gives him the same piece of information. Serge refuses and is about to be tortured by Varèse's henchmen when Michel, a friendly hood, comes to his rescue. His friendship will result in... a heap of corpses! —Guy Bellinger