Más respeto que soy tu madre

Más respeto que soy tu madre

(41 votos)



Más respeto que soy tu madre


Por los pelos

Juanjo (Antonio Pagudo) is a forty-year-old man who, despite not having low self-esteem due to his baldness, his wife, Inma (Eva Ugarte), obsessed with image and aesthetics, is in charge of making him complex about it. On the other hand, his friend Sebas (Carlos Librado "Nene") is affected by his lack of hair and is willing to do whatever it takes to regain his younger version, something that affects his ex-wife, Sofía (Amaia Salamanca) , and their daughters. Ready for anything, both get into a little trouble to get the money to allow them to travel to Turkey and have a hair transplant. In Istanbul they meet Rayco (Tomy Aguilera), a young reggaeton singer who is having great success, but after discovering his alopecia at a concert, he needs an urgent hair transplant. In this way, the three of them will try to seek happiness through aesthetics, but perhaps they will discover that there is something far beyond the physical.

É Apenas uma Fase, Amor

O casamento de Paul e Emilia não está funcionando. Quando os dois se reencontram em um aniversário após a separação, a situação se agrava.

João e Maria - Depois do para Sempre

Após matarem a bruxa e escaparem da Casa de Doces, João e Maria voltam para casa como heróis. Buscando vingança, a bruxa retorna e os irmãos tentam impedi-la.

No Kids

Gabriel has been separated for four years now. Since then his 8 year old daughter is the center of his life. Completely avoiding getting involved in a new romantic relationship, Gabriel focus all his energy in his daughter and work. This plan gets spoiled when Vicky, a platonic love from his adolescence, now a beautiful and independent woman appears in his life. When romance is about to start, she puts one condition: She would never get involved with a man with children. She just does not want children in her life. When Gabriel is confronted with this, he says he has no children. From that moment on his life becomes a torment, playing every trick at hand in order to hide his child and belongings from Vicky in every date.

A Buenos Aires Ghost

A comedy about the relationship between a modern, shy, young man and the spirit of a violent knife-killer murdered in 1920. They make a pledge: the latter will tell the former what exists beyond death if he allows him to inhabit his body for a whole day. Thus, the ghost will go around an unrecognizable twenty first century Buenos Aires to uncover the causes of his own death.

Que pena tu vida

A man loses his job an his girlfriend, but he really wants to start dating his best friend.


Hendrix dreams of hip-hop greatness, but he’s spiraling down a rabbit-hole of crime and poverty until he meets Doc, an old poet still haunted by his martial law past. Can they turn each other’s lives around before they’re swallowed by their circumstance?


Em 1904, um terremoto de magnitude 5,4 na escala Richter sacudiu Oslo. Seu epicentro foi no "Oslo Graben", uma fenda que atravessa diretamente a cidade. Desde então, a população da capital norueguesa pode esperar futuros terremotos na área.