Duração: 01h38m
Data de lançamento: 17 de novembro de 2021
Genêros: Comédia.
(46 votos)
Duração: 01h38m
Data de lançamento: 17 de novembro de 2021
Genêros: Comédia.
Franck just had the most crazy and wonderful idea for a company that would finally get him and his friends proper jobs. As Uber delivers food, Amazon daily items, Song Express will deliver songs. To your friends, or your loved one, or yourself, anywhere you want. It is brilliant, it is foolish, it could work… For Franck, Jean-Claude, Sophie and José, Song Express becomes something more than just a professional challenge: it is the dream of a lifetime.
Há meses, Antoinette espera o verão e a promessa de uma semana romântica com seu amante, Vladimir. Assim, quando ele cancela as férias para ir ao Cévennes com sua esposa e filha, Antoinette não pensa duas vezes: ela segue o rastro deles.
Paul and Virginie just had a baby boy. Happy to discover their new life as young parents, they did not imagine that their Boutchou would become the stake of a merciless struggle between the grandparents ... To gain the exclusivity of the little adored, grandfathers and grandparents. mothers are ready to implement any stratagems ...
Biopic about French cult hip-hop duet Supreme NTM. A story of Paris suburbs, protests, police brutality that shaped the music of JoeyStarr and Kool Shen.
Max and Lou have made a promise to each other. For their wedding it will be only them and their witnesses. But that... That was without counting on the HUGE surprise party that awaits them! They wanted to be 4, they find themselves 300 and everything is going to get out of control very quickly... They were dreaming small, small... They will have big, VERY VERY big!
Um casal descobre que seu filho de 13 anos vendeu vários objetos de valor para financiar um projeto ecológico secreto com uma ambiciosa missão: salvar o planeta.
The adventures of a group of passionate and fearless young children. One girl and four boys.
O filme conta a história de um casal dono de um açougue falido que no desespero por reerguer seu negócio, acaba matando um homem sem querer. E mais sem querer ainda eles acabam matando um homem, um vegano que ataca e quase destrói o restaurante deles.