Duração: 01h37m
Data de lançamento: 20 de outubro de 2022
Genêros: Comédia.
(25 votos)
Duração: 01h37m
Data de lançamento: 20 de outubro de 2022
Genêros: Comédia.
Sebastiano e Onofrio, dois agentes funerários sicilianos, resgatam inesperadamente Luigi Pirandello de uma debilitante crise criativa.
Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.
In Italy, the gambler and professor of poetry Daniele Dominici arrives in the seaside town of Rimini and is hired to teach for four months in the local high school replacing another teacher. His relationship with his partner Monica is in crisis and he spends most of the time with his new acquaintances and gamblers Giorgio, Marcello and Gerardo. In classroom, he meets the gorgeous nineteen years old student Vanina Abati, who is Gerardo's girlfriend.
Em uma viagem de uma semana, um cadete do exército acompanha Fausto, um irritado capitão cego, de Turim até Nápoles. Sem paciência para piedade, o capitão não aceita discordâncias e se comporta mal em público, sabendo apenas dar ordens. Em Nápoles, ele encontra um tenente cego com o qual conversa sobre seguir em frente.
Três homens na casa dos setenta decidem deixar sua vida em um bairro de Roma e encontrar um lugar no exterior para se mudarem.
The story of Dutch commando Marco Kroon, who, after becoming the first recipient of his country's highest military award in over five decades, finds himself in the crosshairs of the law for alleged drugs and weapons violations.
In Torino, a bittersweet crowd is bringing its own belongings to a pawn shop, waiting for a ransom or the final auction. Between the thousands of faces that tell the human inventory of the crisis, three stories intertwine unconsciously in the thin line of moral debt. Sandra, a young trans, in order to escape her past sells her fur coat. Her gaze will cross Stefano’s, a novice who just started working at the bank, and who drags her towards a tender obsession. Michele, a retired porter, asks for a loan to a family member, who will turn out to be fatally the wrong person to ask a favour from.
O dono de um pub luta para manter seu negócio vivo em uma cidade decadente. Quando refugiados sírios começam a ocupar as casas vazias da região, a tensão aumenta e a união dos habitantes locais é colocada à prova.