

(22 votos)






Duração: 00h20m

Data de lançamento: 01 de janeiro de 1980

Genêros: Animação.


The Nine-Colored Deer

In ancient times, a Persian merchant gets lost in a windstorm. Suddenly a spiritual deer of nine colors appears to guide the man. Later on, the deer rescues a man drowning in a river. In exchange, the man promises not to reveal the deer's whereabouts. The man reaches an imperial palace. The king insists on hunting down the spiritual deer down to make clothes out of the deer skin. The man gives in to his greed and leads an army of warriors to the spot. He falls into the river again, hoping the deer will show up to rescue him. This time, all the warriors' arrows turn into dust and the man is drowned

Where is Mama

The narrated film describes the adventures and misadventures of a group of tadpoles in search of their mother.

Fishing Child

An old fisherman catches a fish bowl from the sea, the fishing child painted on the bowl comes out to reality to catch a lot of pearls for him. A missionary wants to occupy the bowl and is punished by the fishing child.

Padrinhos de Tóquio

A terceira produção de Satoshi Kon, um dos mais interessantes diretores de anime da atualidade. Hana uma ex drag queen, Gin um antigo ciclista alcoólatra e Miyuki, uma adolescente fugitiva são três sem-teto que em sua tumultuada existência encontram um bebê abandonado no dia de natal. Os três resolvem então peregrinar em busca da solução do mistério e encontrar os pais da criança antes da chegada do ano novo. Durante a busca, deparam-se com fatos ocultos sobre o passado que são forçados à confrontar, ao mesmo tempo que aprendem a enfrentar o futuro juntos.

Always the doubt

Uma mulher revê suas fobias e seus sonhos. Uma viagem de introspecção para o passado, uma análise das realizações e dos fracassos. Um equilíbrio da vida, o passado. A dúvida inelutável, o presente. E o futuro inquietante e temido.

Prop and Berta

Prop & Berta is the story of a friendship between a little stout man and a big and proud cow, who are able to talk to each other. Together they confront an ugly and evil witch who is determined to get rid of them because they have moved into a house on the edge of her wood. The witch hates neighbours and through magic and evil planning she turns Prop and Berta's friends, the Teeny burpers, into dangerous hoodlums who begin to terrorize the nearby town. Prop and Berta manage to overcome the witch and turn her into a good person, restoring peace in the little town and breaking the spell which binds their friends.

A Battle In Waterloo

During the Battle of Waterloo, a soldier's wife searches for her missing husband in the nearby forest and must resort to extraordinary measures to survive.

The Dinner Party

Upon hearing a grim outlook from a psychic one morning, Zelda Pickford willingly sets in motion a series of humorous and harrowing events that unfold during the course of a New Year's Eve dinner party. A disastrous love triangle ensues in a story that raises the classic question—was it fate or was it folly?