Duração: 01h30m
Data de lançamento: 22 de dezembro de 2022
Genêros: Comédia.
(341 votos)
Duração: 01h30m
Data de lançamento: 22 de dezembro de 2022
Genêros: Comédia.
The Man Who Cleans knows you can find a lot of secrets in trash. People tend to lie but their trash never does. The Man Who Cleans thought he was invisible, until he met the Girl with the Purple Hair Lock. Girl with the Purple Hair Lock breaks into his tidy life because only an evil angel can save her now. Meanwhile, the Huntress knows somebody is killing blonds out there. Nobody believes her, but she knows. What she doesn't know, though, is that evil is hiding behind the green door. The truth lies at the bottom of a dark, deep abyss.
Four friends decide to make a robbery.
Davide is a shy and nerdy 13-year-old teenager who lives in Rome, in the Esquilino district, with his mum Asia. He spends his days with his friend Yang, constantly trying to escape from the school bully, Nadir, and dreaming of winning Jasmine's heart. Passionate about movies on martial arts, Davide tries to regain self-confidence when he meets Martino, a broke b-movie actor, pretending to be a kung fu master to make his living.
It is the future, the world is in ruins and a large portion of the population consists of deformed mutants living in reservations. In this world a man decides to spend his vacation visiting the ruins of a museum that is now buried under the sea.
During world war two, two illetterate farmers from the north Italy, father and son, ask a shrewd postman to help them read the letter sent by the son (granson) from the russian war front. At night, they invent a way to send the soldier a pair of new shoes. Surprise ending...
Ozzy Osbourne, Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant, Oasis, Coldplay e outros gigantes do rock juntos no local mais inusitado de todos: uma fazenda de laticínios. Conheça a história improvável de como dois irmãos galeses transformaram sua propriedade em Rockfield, a fazenda do rock, um dos estúdios de gravação de maior sucesso de todos os tempos.
A youth potion transforms an old crone into a ravishing beauty. Unfortunately, her new-found gorgeousness forces the heroine to form a pact with the Devil.
Two reckless friends Leonardo (Adriano Celentano) and Luciano (Renato Potstsetto) are just doing whatever they want and getting into endless alterations. When one of them decides to marry, their friendship is in a crisis ...