

(276 votos)






Duração: 01h40m

Data de lançamento: 04 de maio de 2022

Genêros: Comédia, Drama, Música.


Champagne !

Springtime in the French vineyards of Champagne. Patrick has gathered his oldest friends for his bachelor party. The trouble is, everyone hates his future wife. This could thus become one hellish weekend in gourmet paradise.

Warlock 2: O Armageddon

O anjo Warlock, filho de Satã, vêm para a Terra à procura de seis pedras mágicas, que juntas, criam o Armageddon. A única força capaz de abrir as portas do inferno. Mas ele não está só. Em seu caminho há dois jovens, os últimos representantes dos sacerdotes Druidas, povo com poderes sobrenaturais.

C'est magnifique !

When Pierre learns that his parents are not his parents, he wants to find out who he is and where he comes from. Raised in nature, Pierre has never been confronted with society. He does not know the codes. He will team up with Anna who will help him in his quest and cross a whole gallery of characters as funny as tender. But during his investigation, Pierre will lose his colors – like a photo that fades.

Country Cabaret

David, a young farmer from Cantal, has just had an idea: to save his farm from bankruptcy, he is going to set up a cabaret on the farm. The show will be on stage and on the plate, with good local products. He is sure, it can only work. His relatives, his mother and especially his grandfather, are more skeptical.

Sem Deixar Rastros

Em 1983, a Polônia comunista é abalada pelo caso do estudante do ensino médio Grzegorz Przemyk, que é espancado até a morte pela polícia. A única testemunha do espancamento torna-se o inimigo número um do Estado. Representante da Polônia no Oscar 2022 de Filme Internacional. Seleção do Festival de Veneza 2021.

Meu Extraordinário Verão com Tess

Baseado no livro de Anna Woltz, o filme conta a história de Sam, um menino que, por medo de ficar sozinho, cria um “treinamento de solidão” para fazer durante as férias. Mas Sam conhece Tess, uma garota diferente que carrega um grande segredo, e acaba atraído para uma aventura que o faz perceber que valorizar a família é mais importante que fugir.

Just a Couple of Days

After being reassigned from music to field reporting, a critic goes to a refugee camp near Paris during an evacuation. He experiences police violence and is thrust into becoming the face of the refugee cause.

The Bishop's Bedroom

Mario, a rich and eccentric war hero befriends Marco, a loner with a sailboat, and takes him home to meet his estranged wife Cleofe and sexually repressed sister in law Matilde. Mario confesses his love for Matilde and so ensues a love triangle.