Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough

Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough

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Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough



Duração: 01h27m

Data de lançamento: 15 de abril de 2022

Genêros: Documentário, História.


One in a Thousand

Intact ecosystems provide the best defense against climate change! The ecosystem of a small creek is complex and diverse – the shocking reality is that in Central Europe only one in a thousand is still intact, today. What happened to our streams and brooks? What does the future hold? The film ‘One in a Thousand’ portrays the diverse wildlife inside and alongside a stream, explains the importance of this habitat and identifies the sources of its destruction. A blue-chip wildlife film that carries an important message.

Extinction: The Facts

With a million species at risk of extinction, Sir David Attenborough explores how this crisis of biodiversity has consequences for us all, threatening food and water security, undermining our ability to control our climate and even putting us at greater risk of pandemic diseases.

Out in the Silence

There may not be any secrets in a small town, but there is an expectation of silence. In A Town Called Oil City, the return of a native son to announce his same sex wedding and help a gay teen who is being tormented at school offers a chance to change the way things have always been done.

5150 Elm's Way

Yannick moves to a small, quiet town to study cinema. One day when he fell off his bike, he knocked at the door of the Beaulieu residence so he could clean the blood off his hands. But Jacques Beaulieu and his family had other plans for Yannick. Beaulieu is a righteous psychopath and fanatic chess player who wants to rid the world of evil. And even though Ian has done nothing wrong, he is beaten, tortured and tormented before Beaulieu makes him an offer: win at chess and he is free to go. And so Ian is now a pawn in Beaulieu 's game. A game in which he will either lose his mind or his life.

The Godfather Buck

Two brothers, who meet once a year at a cabin in Big Bear to hunt white-tailed deer for a week, uncover hidden family secrets and lies when their stepbrother drops by for an evening, changing their lives forever.

Tico e Teco: Defensores da Lei

Tico e Teco vivem entre desenhos animados e humanos em Los Angeles nos dias de hoje, mas agora suas vidas são bem diferentes. Já se passaram décadas desde que a série de sucesso da dupla foi cancelada, e Tico se rendeu a uma vida doméstica suburbana como um vendedor de seguros. Enquanto isso, Teco passou por uma harmonização facial em CGI e trabalha no circuito de convenções nostálgicas, desesperado para reviver seus dias de glória. Quando um ex-colega de elenco desaparece misteriosamente, Tico e Teco devem consertar a amizade rompida e assumir mais uma vez suas personalidades de Defensores da Lei para salvar a vida do amigo.

65: Ameaça Pré-Histórica

Após um acidente catastrófico em um planeta desconhecido, o piloto Mills rapidamente descobre que está preso na Terra há 65 milhões de anos. Agora, com apenas uma chance de resgate, Mills e o único outro sobrevivente, Koa, devem atravessar um terreno desconhecido cheio de perigosas criaturas pré-históricas (incluindo dinossauros) em uma luta épica para sobreviver.


Uma história semiautobiográfica sobre a passagem para a vida adulta de uma jovem que lida com a doença grave do irmão.
