Tudo ou Nada

Tudo ou Nada

(77 votos)



Tudo ou Nada


Sinopse: A garçonete Sylvie é uma mãe solteira que mora com seus dois filhos, Sofiane e Jean-Jacques. Uma noite, Sofiane se machuca enquanto estava sozinho no apartamento, o que o leva a ser colocado em um lar adotivo. Sylvie está determinada a trazer o filho de volta para casa.

Duração: 01h52m

Data de lançamento: 21 de novembro de 2023

Genêros: Drama.

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Reserva Imovision Amazon Channel


Little Girl Blue

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Rennes, nowadays. Saïd still lives with his parents. He is having a secret affair with Vincent. Unable to face his family, he agrees to an arranged marriage with Hadjira. After an unhappy love affair and a few run-ins with the law, she too has resigned herself to obeying her mother. Trapped by their families, Saïd and Hadjira join forces in spite of themselves, to find their own freedom.


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Les Indésirables

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Based on a true story : the discovery of Lava's treasure, in 1985 near Ajaccio.