L'Animographe, ou Je suis né dans une boîte à chaussures

L'Animographe, ou Je suis né dans une boîte à chaussures

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L'Animographe, ou Je suis né dans une boîte à chaussures



A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Hagbard and Signe

Seeking revenge against the rival clan responsible for the killing, Hagbard, the son of a slain Norse king, calms down long enough to establish a truce. He also falls in love with Signe, the daughter of his one-time enemy. Signe's former beau, sizzling with jealousy, breaks the truce and makes it appear that Hagbard was responsible.

Don't Bother to Knock

An Edinburgh travel agent loses his keys and his fiancé in one night. A friend finds the keys and makes loads of copies with his address attached as a joke. She gives them to him as he leaves for a holiday. He gives the keys to several women he romances across the continent. He gets engaged again by phone and arranges to meet his fiancé at his flat, but the flat isn't empty...

Angry Monk - Reflections on Tibet

Schaedler's film tells the fascinating story of Tibetan monk Gendun Choephel whose robes ultimately proved to be too constricting for his imagination and intellect. Born in 1903, Choephel left an indelible mark on Tibetan culture and became an icon for young Tibetans today. Because of his political views he was persecuted by the Tibetan government and died a broken man in 1951. The film follows in the footsteps of the rebel monk whose intellect challenged the ancient traditions of old Tibet. Journeying through Tibet and India, “Angry Monk” provides a vivid picture of Tibet that is in refreshing contrast to its often idealized and esoteric image.

Waiting for the Tenor

The author Thomas meets his childhood friend Hoffman on an autumn night in 1997. They decide to let a dream come true: to make a film of a play by Thomas, Veranda for a Tenor, with Hoffman in the lead role. The story takes us back to the summer of 1961, which changed their lives. The writing of the script awakens memories and forbidden questions are answered. Their friendship is put to the test a final time. Veranda for a tenor is a film about male friendship, but also about love. Their love for the same woman...

Capital, or How to Make Money in Poland

A sociologist nearing middle-aged returns to Poland after several years of giving lectures abroad. The changing economy of the country and business successes of the people around him inspire him to venture out into the deep and unpredictable world of capitalism himself.

Witchcraft 8: Salem's Ghost

A young happy couple move into a “dream home” only to find it is a gateway for occult powers.

Philip Glass: Akhnaten

Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.


O Lobo

O Lobo

Mikel Lejarza, também conhecido como "Lobo", foi um agente dos serviços secretos espanhóis que conseguiu se infiltrar na ETA entre 1973 e 1975. Ele levou à queda de cerca de 150 ativistas e colaboradores, incluindo os membros mais proeminentes dos comandos especiais e os principais Liderança. A "Operação Lobo" foi um golpe para a organização terrorista no momento em que seus ataques sangrentos estavam se tornando a desculpa perfeita para os setores mais involucionistas do regime de Franco tentarem impedir o estabelecimento da democracia.

Palmeiras na Neve

Palmeiras na Neve

Em 1953, os irmãos Jacobo e Kilian viajam até a ilha da Guiné Equatorial para trabalhar em uma plantação de café. No local, Kilian se apaixona por uma nativa, um amor proibido na época. Meio século depois, Clarence descobre acidentalmente uma carta esquecida por anos, que a faz viajar até a ilha onde seu pai, Jacobo, e seu tio moraram durante anos. Em um território exuberante, sedutor e perigoso, ela descobre os segredos da família.

Selma: Uma Luta pela Igualdade

Selma: Uma Luta pela Igualdade

Narra a luta histórica do dr. Martin Luther King Jr. para garantir o direito ao voto para os afro-americanos – uma campanha perigosa e apavorante que culminou na épica marcha de Selma a Montgomery, no Alabama, que galvanizou a opinião pública americana e persuadiu o presidente Johnson a apresentar a Lei do Direito ao Voto de 1965.

Stonewall: Onde o Orgulho Começou

Stonewall: Onde o Orgulho Começou

No fim dos anos 1960, o adolescente Danny Winters é expulso de casa e começa a descobrir novas ideias políticas e as dificuldades da vida adulta, às vésperas da rebelião de Stonewall, quando lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgêneros enfrentaram a polícia de Nova York. O ato culminou na Parada Gay, que hoje se espalhou pelo mundo.