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Amor² para Sempre

Neste terceiro filme da franquia Amor², o romance conturbado de Monika e Enzo está prometendo um final de conto de fadas. Só que uma revelação bombástica vai mudar tudo.

New Golden Lotus III

3rd episode of a serie of 5. Chinny is stuck in a marriage with a disgusting midget, but is seduced and tricked into becoming the fifth concubine of sexy official Simon Hsin. While Chinny is mistreated by the other concubines, Simon has affairs with anything that movies, poisons Chinny's husband, and imprisons her brother-in-law. It soon becomes apparent that this is Simon's M.O. when he steals another man's wife and kills him as well

Uma História Erótica de Fantasmas

Three vixens have meditated for 1,000 years to able to shed their animal natures and become human. For the final month of their rigors, they have moved near a village where women pray to a god of fertility. One sister visits the god's temple and thinks lustful thoughts. As she leaves, a priest confronts her, warning of dire consequences and of demons that will try to stop the vixens' transformation. Soon, the youngest sister saves a poor scholar from bandits and becomes enamored of him. Each sister visits him, and before long, the youth has made love to all three. After they invite him to stay with them, the playfulness takes a scary turn. Where can they turn for help?

Agradecimento e Desculpas

Solitária no final da gestação, Sara recebe uma ajuda inesperada com a chegada de Linda, sua irmã distante.

Sem Origem

Pedro del Toro é pai de família que teme pela sua segurança. Mas quem o visita não é quem ele esperava. Uma garota colocará seu arsenal de segurança à prova, e um grupo de choque tentará pegá-la pelo segredo que ela guarda.

Hai mai avuto paura?

Inspired by the work of an award-winning Italian novelist, this post-modern noir fantasy is centered on the image of a young poet and his aristocratic family. Set in the 1800s the plot develops around an ancient curse and a series of mysterious and terrifying events occurring on the family country estate. Featuring authentic period sets and costumes, the film is a metaphor of maturing and becoming, where death and rebirth intertwine and perpetuate each other in a continuous flux of life.

The Best Century of My Life

An absurd law prevents John, an unrecognized child at birth, from knowing the identity of his biological parents before his 100th birthday. To succeed in attracting public opinion, his only hope is to obtain the complicity of Gustavo, the only unrecognized-at-birth centenarian alive. The only one who would have the right to avail himself of this legislation but seems to have no interest in doing so. The Most Beautiful Century of My Life tells of the meeting between a centenarian projected into the future and a young man anchored in the past and of their unexpected friendship.

Meu Pai é um Perigo

Uma comédia inspirada na vida do humorista Sebastian Maniscalco, um dos mais conceituados comediantes americano, focada na relação entre pai e filho. Humor e muito amor, vão brindar este fim-de-semana de férias.