Chad Willett

Chad Willett

Filmes atuados

Um Show de Natal


Blind Trust

Det. Rudy Shatz

Os Bravos Fora-da-Lei

Bryce Naylor

12 Days of Christmas Eve

Jesse Carter

O Medalhão

Michael Keddington

For the Love of Nancy


Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy

Richmond Pearson Hobson Jr.

For Christ's Sake


Séries atuadas

Dr. House

Dr. House

CIA Agent Smith



Charlie Dunwood

The Chronicle

The Chronicle

Tucker Burns

Charmed: Jovens Bruxas

Charmed: Jovens Bruxas

Justin Harper

Big Sky

Big Sky

Robert Sullivan

Arquivo X

Arquivo X

Jim Summers

NCIS: Investigação Naval

NCIS: Investigação Naval

Primo Monteleone

The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits

Lt. Christopher Lindy