James McGowan

James McGowan

Filmes atuados

Stage Fright

Victor Brady

Scent of Danger


Silent Night

Capt. Dietrich

Warriors of Terra

Peter Isaacs

Savage Planet

John Stotzer

Compulsão Assassina


O Vingador do Futuro

Military Adjutant

Esquadrão Suicida

Panda Man

Séries atuadas

The Girlfriend Experience

The Girlfriend Experience

Alex Payton

Against the Wall

Against the Wall

Bob Barceli



Bradford Kotan

MAYDAY! Desastres Aéreos

MAYDAY! Desastres Aéreos

Captain Ed Gannaway

Carga Explosiva: A Série

Carga Explosiva: A Série

Ian O'Sullivan

Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

Gordon, The Sniper

Republic of Doyle

Republic of Doyle

Damon Rhodes

Mutante X

Mutante X

Dr. Richard Haines