Wallas Eaton

Wallas Eaton

Filmes atuados

Lock Up Your Daughters


Around the World in 80 Days


Storybook Classics - Robin Hood


Horror of Darkness

The Visitor

The Last of the Mohicans


A Ilha do Tesouro


Marcado Para Morrer


Um Homem de Sorte

John Stone (Coffee Factory) / Col. Steiger / Prison Warder / Meths Drinker / Film Executive

Séries atuadas

The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors

Lloyd Somerset

The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes

The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes


Up Pompeii!

Up Pompeii!

Sergeant Junkus

Up Pompeii!

Up Pompeii!

Sen. Ludicrus Sextus

Up Pompeii!

Up Pompeii!

Centurion Captain