Terry Walsh

Terry Walsh

Filmes atuados

Union City

Paper Boy

Doctor Who: Inferno

UNIT Soldier

Doctor Who: The Creature from the Pit

Doran / Mensch

O Médico e o Monstro

Pub Customer

Herança de um Valente

Crack Rider

Doctor Who: The Green Death


Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon

Guard Captain

Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs


Filmes dirigidos

O Pirata da Barba Amarela


Uma Cilada para Roger Rabbit


O Dragão e o Feiticeiro

Stunt Coordinator

Para Sempre Cinderela



Stunt Coordinator

Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin

Stunt Double

Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin

Stunt Coordinator

Doctor Who: The Green Death

Stunt Coordinator

Séries atuadas

Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Castle Guard Barclay

Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Window Cleaner

Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Warehouse Looter

Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Auton Policeman

Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Guard Captain

Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Man with Boat

Séries dirigidas

Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Stunt Double

Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Fight Choreographer

Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Stunt Coordinator

Robin of Sherwood

Robin of Sherwood

Stunt Coordinator

Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky

Stunt Coordinator