Cao Shiping

Cao Shiping

Filmes atuados

Tiny Times 2

Restaurant manager

Tiny Times

Restaurant manager

Autumn Fairy Tale

Uncle Wang

Flor da Neve e o Leque Secreto

Mr. Wei

Mulheres Sedutoras

Director Qiu

O Grande Mestre 4

HK Secondary School Principal


Mu Wenshi

Séries atuadas

Professional Single

Professional Single


You Are My Hero

You Are My Hero

Associate Dean Zheng

Jardim de Meteoros

Jardim de Meteoros

Uncle Liu



No. 029

The Gravity of a Rainbow

The Gravity of a Rainbow

Yu Zhengliang

The Love Equations

The Love Equations

Professor Zhuge

Nosso Lugar Secreto

Nosso Lugar Secreto

Mu Cheng He's father

Return of the Heiress

Return of the Heiress

Ding Yougen