Warde Donovan

Warde Donovan

Filmes atuados

Get Smart: A Man Called Smart

Hotel Doctor

The Shakiest Gun in the West

Townsman (uncredited)

A Última Cruzada do Fusca

Maitre d'

Chumbo Quente e Pé Frio

Saloon Man 4

O Tesouro de Matecumbe

Sheriff Coffey

MacArthur, O General Rebelde

General Shepherd

Gus: Uma Mula Fora de Série



Patrolman (uncredited)

Séries atuadas

The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson

The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson


Agente 86

Agente 86

Hotel Doctor (as Ward Donovan)

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp

Jed Lorimer

The Dinah Shore Chevy Show

The Dinah Shore Chevy Show
