Mae Clarke

Mae Clarke

Filmes atuados

Cantando na Chuva

Hairdresser (uncredited)



Mulheres Condenadas

Matron Saunders

King of the Rocket Men

Glenda Thomas

Trouble in Morocco

Linda Lawrence

The Reformer and the Redhead

Counter Lady (uncredited)


Mimi Montagne

Tigres Voadores

Verna Bales

Séries atuadas

Batman e Robin

Batman e Robin


Perry Mason

Perry Mason

Switchboard Opr. #2

Letter to Loretta

Letter to Loretta

Rose Dervin

Letter to Loretta

Letter to Loretta

Mother Superior

Letter to Loretta

Letter to Loretta

Grace Summers

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp

Sally Roweday